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单词 page
释义 page[peidʒ]n. 页, 记录, 事件, 专栏, 男侍vt. 标明...的页数, 翻...的书页, 分页排版, 呼叫, 侍候vi. 翻书页, 侍侯【计】 页; 页面【化】 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 page 1  page 1  AHD:  [p³j] D.J.  [pe!d9]K.K.  [ped9]n.(名词)1. Abbr. p.,pg.缩写 p.,pg.2. One side of a leaf, as of a book, letter, newspaper, or manuscript, especially the entire leaf:页:一页的一面,如书、信、报纸或手稿,尤其是整页:tore a page from the book.从这本书上撕下一页3. The writing or printing on one side of a leaf.一页的印刷或文字:在一页的一面上的字迹或印刷4. The type set for printing one side of a leaf.一页版面:为在一面印刷的版面设置5. A noteworthy or memorable event:重要的事,有意义的事:值得注意或值得纪念的事件:a new page in history.历史上一件值得纪念的新事6. Computer Science 【计算机科学】 7. A quantity of memory storage equal to between 512 and 4,096 bytes.页:相当于512到4096个字节的记忆储存量8. A quantity of source program coding equal to between 8 and 64 lines.页:相当于在8和64行之间的资料程序编码量9. pages A source or record of knowledge:pages 知识来源或记录:in the pages of science.在科学记录里及物动词)  paged,, 1. To number the pages of; paginate.标页码:编页码或标页码;给…标页码2. To turn the pages of:翻页:page through a magazine.翻阅一本杂志语源:1. French 法语 2. alteration of Old French pagine 古法语 pagine的变化 3. from Latin p³gina * see  pag- 源自 拉丁语 p³gina *参见 pag- 继承用法:page“ful”  n.(名词) page 2  page 2  AHD:  [p³j] D.J.  [pe!d9]K.K.  [ped9]n.(名词)1. A boy who acted as a knight's attendant as the first stage of training for chivalric knighthood.男侍:担任一个骑士的侍从的男孩,以此作为培训骑士身份的第一阶段2. A youth in ceremonial employment or attendance at court.青年服务员:在集会仪式上雇用或待从的青年3. One who is employed to run errands, carry messages, or act as a guide in a hotel, theater, or club.青年听差:被雇用来跑腿、送信、或作为饭店剧场或俱乐部作引导员的人4. One who is similarly employed in the U.S. Congress or another legislature.侍从官:在美国国会或另一个立法机关被类似地雇用的人5. A boy who holds the bride's train at a wedding.男小傧相:在婚礼上执裙裾的男孩及物动词)  paged,, 1. To summon or call (a person) by name.通过名字唤或叫(一个人)2. To summon or call (a person) by means of a beeper.通过呼叫或叫(一个人)3. To attend as a page.作为侍者参加语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. possibly from Italian paggio 可能源自 意大利语 paggio 4. perhaps ultimately from Greek paidion 可能最终源自 希腊语 paidion 5. diminutive of pais  paid- [child] * see  pau- pais的小后缀  paid- [小孩] *参见 pau-  Page 1  Page  AHD:  [p³j] Thomas Nelson (1853-1922) D.J.  [pe!d9]K.K.  [ped9]NONE(无词性)American writer and diplomat remembered for his nostalgic works about the Old South, such asTwo Little Confederates  (1888) and Red Rock  (1898). 佩奇,托马斯·纳尔逊:(1853-1922) 美国作家和外交家,以其对旧南部的怀旧作品而被人们纪念,如《两个南部小联邦分子》 (1888年)和 《红岩石》 (1898年)  Page 2  Page&B{Walter Hines} (&b{1855-1918})  NONE(无词性)American journalist and diplomat. As U.S. ambassador to Great Britain (1913-1918) he encouraged American participation in World War I.佩奇,沃尔特·海因斯:(1855-1918) 美国新闻记者和外交家,作为驻大英帝国的大使(1913-1918年),他促使美国加速参加第一次世界大战




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