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单词 paint
释义 paint[peint]n. 油漆, 颜料, 绘画作品, 涂漆vt. 油漆, 绘, 画, 描绘, 装饰, 点缀vi. 绘画, 涂漆【化】 油漆【医】 涂剂, 油漆相关词组:paint sb blackpaint sth inpaint sth outpaint the town red paint  paint  AHD:  [p³nt] D.J.  [pe!nt]K.K.  [pent]n.(名词)1. A liquid mixture, usually of a solid pigment in a liquid vehicle, used as a decorative or protective coating.油漆:一种用作装饰或保护外层的液体混合物,通常是液体溶剂中的固体颜料2. The thin, dry film formed by such a mixture when applied to a surface.已干油漆层:用于表面时这种混合物薄而干的膜3. The solid pigment before it is mixed with a vehicle.未调配的固体涂料:在和展色剂混合之前的固体颜料4. A cosmetic, such as rouge, that is used to give color to the face; makeup.化妆品:一种用来给皮肤上色的化妆品,如胭脂;化妆品5. See  pinto 参见  pintov.(动词)  paint.ed,,paints及物动词)1. To make (a picture) with paints.绘画:用油漆作(画)2. To represent in a picture with paints.画出:用油漆在画上表现出来3. To depict vividly in words.描写,描述:用言辞鲜明生动地描绘出来4. To coat or decorate with paint:油漆:用油漆涂抹或装饰:paint a house.油漆房子5. To apply cosmetics to.化妆:把化妆品涂于…6. To apply medicine to; swab:涂,敷:用药于…;敷药于:paint a wound.敷药于伤口7. Computer Science To display (graphic data) on a video terminal.【计算机科学】 显示,画图:在视频终端显示(图形数据)v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To practice the art of painting pictures.绘画:从事油画艺术2. To cover something with paint.涂漆:用颜料涂抹某物3. To apply cosmetics to oneself:涂化妆品:用化妆品给自己脸部上色:“Let her paint an inch thick, to this favor she must come”(&b{Shakespeare})“让她涂足一英寸厚的化妆品吧,她有这个嗜好”(莎士比亚)4. To serve as a surface to be coated with paint:涂得上漆:作为表面而被涂上颜料:These nonporous surfaces paint badly with a brush.这些不渗透的表面很难被刷子刷漆习惯用语:paint the town red【俚语】  To go on a spree.酒宴,狂欢语源:1. From Middle English painten [to paint] 源自 中古英语 painten [涂颜料,作画] 2. from Old French peintier 源自 古法语 peintier 3. from peint [past participle of] peindre 源自 peint  [] peindre的过去分词 4. from Latin pingere * see  peig- 源自 拉丁语 pingere *参见 peig- 继承用法:paint”abil“ity  n.(名词)paint“able  adj.(形容词)




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