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单词 palette
释义 palette['pælit]n. 调色板, 颜料【计】 调色板 palette  pal.ette  AHD:  [p²l“¹t] D.J.  [6p#l!t]K.K.  [6p#l!t]n.(名词)1. A board, typically with a hole for the thumb, which an artist can hold while painting and on which the artist mixes colors.调色板:一般带有拇指孔的一种木板,以便艺术家在绘画时能把持并且能在上面混合颜料2. The range of colors used in a particular painting or by a particular artist:一组颜色:用于某一种绘画或被某一特定画家使用的色彩的范围:a limited palette.有限的色调3. The range of qualities inherent in nongraphic art forms such as music and literature.一套颜料:在非图形艺术中的通用要素的类似范围,如在音乐和文学中语源:1. French 法语 2. from Old French [small potter's shovel] [diminutive of] pale [shovel, spade] 源自 古法语 [小陶铲]  [] pale的小后缀 [铲子,锹] 3. from Latin p³la * see  pag- 源自 拉丁语 p³la *参见 pag-




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