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单词 Pall Mall
释义 Pall Mall  Pall Mall  AHD:  [p²l“ m²l“, pµl“ mµl“] D.J.  [6p#l 6m#l, 6pel 6mel]K.K.  [6p#l 6m#l, 6pWl 6mWl]NONE(无词性)A fashionable street in London, England, noted as the site of St. James's Palace and many private clubs. It derives its name from the game pall-mall, which was played on the grounds in front of the palace in the 17th century.帕码街:在英格兰伦敦上流社会的一条街,以詹姆士宫殿的遗址和许多私人俱乐部闻名。它的名字来源于17世纪在宫殿前的场地上玩的铁圈球游戏 pall-mall  pall-mall  AHD:  [pµl“mµl“, p²l“m²l“, pôl“môl“] D.J.  [6pel6mel, 6p#l6m#l, 6p%8l6m%8l]K.K.  [6pWl6mWl, 6p#l6m#l, 6p%l6m%l]n.Games (名词)【游戏】 1. A 17th-century game in which a boxwood ball was struck with a mallet to drive it through an iron ring suspended at the end of an alley.铁圈球游戏:一种17世纪的游戏,用木槌将一黄杨木球打过悬挂在球道末端的铁圈2. The alley in which this game was played.打铁圈球的球道语源:1. Obsolete French pallemaille 已废法语 pallemaille 2. from Italian pallamaglio 源自 意大利语 pallamaglio 3. palla [ball]  [of Germanic origin] * see  bhel- 2palla [球]  [源于日耳曼语] *参见 bhel- 24. maglio [mallet]  from Latin malleus * see  mel…- maglio [木槌]  源自 拉丁语 malleus *参见 mel…-




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