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单词 palmyra
释义 palmyra  AHD:  [p²l-mº“r…] D.J.  [p#l6ma!*r*]K.K.  [p#l6ma!r*]n.(名词)A tall, dioecious palm(Borassus flabellifer)  of tropical Africa and Asia that has large fanlike leaves. Also called  palmyra palm 扇椰子:一种高大的雌雄异株的棕榈树(扇叶树头棕 树头棕属) ,产于非洲的热带地区和亚洲,有大型扇形叶片 也作  palmyra palm语源:1. Alteration  influenced by  Palmyra  受  Palmyra的影响2. of Portuguese palmeira 葡萄牙语 palmeira的变化 3. from palma [palm tree] 源自 palma [棕榈树] 4. from Latin * see  palm 2源自 拉丁语 *参见 palm2 Palmyra  AHD:  [p²l-mº“r…] D.J.  [p#l6ma!*r*]K.K.  [p#l6ma!r*]NONE(无词性)An ancient city of central Syria northeast of Damascus. Said to have been built by Solomon, it prospered under the Romans because of its location on the trade route from Egypt to the Persian Gulf. The city was partially destroyed by the emperor Aurelian after a people's revolt ina.d.  273. 帕尔迈拉:叙利亚中部一古城,位于大马士革东北。据说是所罗门所建,由于它位于从埃及到波斯湾的贸易路线上,在罗马人的控制下兴盛起来。在公元 273年的一次人民暴动之后该城被奥列利安罗马皇帝部分毁坏




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