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单词 parole
释义 parole[pə'rəul]n. 假释, 誓言, 释放宣言vt. 宣誓后释放, 使假释出狱【法】 假释, 使宣誓后释放 parole  pa.role  AHD:  [p…-r½l“] D.J.  [p*6r*&l]K.K.  [p*6rol]n.(名词)1. Law 【法律】 2. The release of a prisoner whose term has not expired on condition of sustained lawful behavior that is subject to regular monitoring by an officer of the law for a set period of time.假释,有条件释放:释放刑期还未满的犯人,由执法人员用一段时间对其进行定期观察,如果其行为连续合乎法律则可予以释放3. The duration of such conditional release.假释期:这种有条件释放的期限4. A password used by an officer of the day, an officer on guard, or the personnel commanded by such an officer.口令,暗号:执勤军官、卫兵或由这类军官任命的人员使用的口令5. Word of honor, especially that of a prisoner of war who is granted freedom only after promising to lay down arms.宣誓,诺言:尤指放下武器后就能得到自由的战犯的承诺6. Linguistics The act of speaking; a particular utterance or word.【语言学】 言语:讲话的动作;特定的话语或单词n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:常用于修饰另一个名词:a parole board; parole violations.假释裁判委员会;触犯假释及物动词)  pa.roled,,pa.roles To release (a prisoner) on parole.假释:以假释的方式释放(罪犯)语源:1. French [promise, word] 法语 [誓言,词语] 2. from Vulgar Latin *paraula 源自 俗拉丁语 *paraula 3. from Latin parabola [discourse] * see  parable 源自 拉丁语 parabola [谈话,讲话] *参见 parable




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