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单词 articulation
释义 articulation[ɑ:,tikju'leiʃən]n. 关节, 接合, 连贯, 发音, 表达【计】 清晰度【医】 关节[联接]; 分节发音; 排牙; 清晰度 articulation  AHD:  [är-t¹k”y…-l³“sh…n] D.J.  [$87t!kj*6le!.*n]K.K.  [$r7t!kj*6le.*n]n.(名词)1. The act of vocal expression; utterance or enunciation:表达:口述表达的行为;表达或阐述:an articulation of the group's sentiments.小组意见的表达2. The act or manner of producing a speech sound.发音:发出说话声音的行为或方式3. A speech sound, especially a consonant.辅音:说话的声音,尤指辅音4. A jointing together or being jointed together.联接:联接在一起或被联接在一起5. The method or manner of jointing.联接的方法,联接的方式6. Anatomy 【解剖学】 7. A fixed or movable joint between bones.关节:两骨间固定的或可动的连接8. A movable joint between inflexible parts of the body of an animal, as the divisions of an appendage in arthropods.关节联接:动物身体中不可弯曲部分之间可活动的联接,如节肢动物附属物的不同部分9. Botany 【植物学】 10. A joint between two separable parts, as a leaf and a stem.节:植物两个可分部分的连接,如叶与茎连接处11. A node or a space on a stem between two nodes.叶间隔:一节或茎上两长叶处之间的间隔继承用法:artic“ulato”ry  AHD:  [-l…-tôr“¶, -t½r“¶]  或 ar.tic“”tive [-l³“t¹v, -l…-t¹v] (形容词)




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