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单词 pastille
释义 pastillen. 香锭, 润喉糖锭【化】 锭剂【医】 锭剂, 软锭剂; 芳香熏剂; 射线测验纸碟 pastille  pas.tille  AHD:  [p²-st¶l“]  也作 pas.til [p²s“t¹l] D.J.  [p#6sti8l] 也作 pas.til [6p#st!l]K.K.  [p#6stil] 也作 pas.til [6p#st!l]n.(名词)1. A small medicated or flavored tablet; a troche.片剂:一小块药片或调味片;锭剂2. A tablet containing aromatic substances that is burned to fumigate or deodorize the air.芳香剂:含有香料,燃烧后可用来进行空气消毒或防嗅的片剂3. A pastel paste or crayon.制彩色粉笔的糊状物或彩色粉笔语源:1. French 法语 2. from Spanish pastilla [perfume pellet] 源自 西班牙语 pastilla [香药丸] 3. Italian pastillo [pastille] 意大利语 pastillo [香锭] 4. both from Latin pastillus [little loaf, medicine tablet] [diminutive of] p³nis [bread] * see  p³- 都源自 拉丁语 pastillus [小条,药片]  [] p³nis的小后缀 [面包] *参见 p³-




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