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单词 patronage
释义 patronage['pætrənidʒ]n. 赞助, 恩赐态度, 光顾, 任免权, 保护人的身分【经】 光顾, 资助, 赞助 patronage  pa.tron.age  AHD:  [p³“tr…-n¹j, p²t“r…-] D.J.  [6pe!tr*n!d9, 6p#tr*-]K.K.  [6petr*n!d9, 6p#tr*-]n.(名词)1. Support, encouragement, or championship, as of a person, an institution, an event, or a cause, from a patron.庇护,保护:保护人对某人、机构、事件或事业的支持、鼓励或维护2. Support or encouragement proffered in a condescending manner:施惠:恩赐的态度所给予的帮助或鼓励:It seems our little establishment has finally been deemed worthy of the bank's patronage.看来银行终于认为值得资助我们这种小机构3. The trade given to a commercial establishment by its customers:光顾,惠顾:顾客对商业机构的光临:Shopkeepers thanked Christmas shoppers for their patronage.店老板感谢圣诞节顾客的光临4. Customers or patrons considered as a group; clientele:顾客,常客:顾客或老主顾总称;常客:The grand old hotel has a loyal but demanding patronage.这家显赫的老旅店拥有忠实但颇多要求的顾客5. The power to distribute or appoint people to governmental or political positions.授与职务的权力:分派或委任给某人政府职位或政治地位的权力6. The act of distributing or appointing people to such positions.官职的委派:分派或委任某人这种地位的行为7. The positions so distributed or filled.被委派的职务:这样分配和委任的职位8. The right to grant an ecclesiastical benefice to a member of the clergy.圣职授与权:赐与牧师教会圣职的权力




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