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单词 pedant
释义 pedant['pedənt]n. 自夸学问的人, 空谈家, 书呆子 pedant  ped.ant  AHD:  [pµd“nt] D.J.  [6pednt]K.K.  [6pWd2t]n.(名词)1. One who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules.学究:过分注重书本学习和墨守陈规的人2. One who exhibits one's learning or scholarship ostentatiously.卖弄学问者:夸耀地显示自己学识或学问的人3. Obsolete A schoolmaster.【废语】 学校校长语源:1. French pédant 法语 pédant 2. or Italian pedante  French  from Italian 或 意大利语 pedante  法语  源自 意大利语 3. possibly from Vulgar Latin *paed¶ns  .paedent- [present participle of] .paedere [to instruct] 可能源自 俗拉丁语 *paed¶ns  ·paedent-  [] ·paedere的现在分词 [指导] 4. probably from Greek paiduein 可能源自 希腊语 paiduein 5. from pais  paid- [child] * see  pedo- 2源自 pais  paid- [孩子] *参见 pedo-2




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