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单词 pediment
释义 pediment['pedimənt]n. 山形墙, 三角墙, 山花饰 pediment  ped.i.ment  AHD:  [pµd“…-m…nt] D.J.  [6ped*m*nt]K.K.  [6pWd*m*nt]n.(名词)1. A wide, low-pitched gable surmounting the façade of a building in the Grecian style.山墙:按古希腊的风格,置于建筑物正面之上的宽而低的山形墙2. A triangular element, similar to or derivative of a Grecian pediment, used widely in architecture and decoration.三角楣饰:广泛用于建筑物和装饰物上的一种类似或衍生于古希腊山形墙的三角形物3. Geology A broad, gently sloping rock surface at the base of a steeper slope, often covered with alluvium, formed primarily by erosion.【地质学】 山前侵蚀平原,麓原:一种由侵蚀引起的在另一陡的倾斜底面上的宽而缓缓倾斜的岩石层面,其上通常覆盖着冲积土语源:1. Alteration  influenced by Latin p¶s  ped- [foot] * see  pedi-  受 拉丁语 p¶s的影响  ped- [脚] *参见 pedi-2. of earlier perement 较早期 perement的变化 3. probably alteration of pyramid 可能为 pyramid的变化继承用法:ped”imen“tal  AHD:  [-mµn“tl] (形容词)ped“iment”ed  adj.(形容词)




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