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单词 peeping Tom
释义 peeping Tom Tom  AHD:  [p¶“p¹ng t¼m] D.J.  [6pi8p!0 tKm]K.K.  [6pip!0 t$m]n.(名词)A person who gets pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, from secretly watching others; a voyeur.好窥视者:一个通过偷窥别人而得到尤是性快感等快乐的人;有窥淫癖的人语源:After the legendary Peeping Tom  of Coventry, England, who was the only person to see the naked Lady Godiva 源自英格兰科芬特里的传奇 偷窥者汤姆 ,他是唯一看过裸体葛黛娃夫人的人 注释:In an age when we can speak ofpeeping Tom cameras  or electronic peeping Toms  we have indeed come far from the time of the legendary peeping Tom.Godgifu (fl. 1040-1080), Lady Godiva to us,pledged her legendary ride as a means of persuading her husband, Leofric, Earl of Mercia, to lower taxes.In the original version of the story she was observed by all the townspeople as she disrobed,but in a much later version of the story a tailor or butcher named Tom was the only person to observe her as she rode by,everyone else having shuttered their windows as they had been asked.Peeping Tom,  first recorded around 1796, has become a term for a voyeur,not at all a pleasant fate for this legendary fellow.As W.H. Auden has said,“Peeping Toms Are never praised, like novelists or bird watchers,/For their keenness of observation.”当我们说起peeping Tom cameras 或 electronic peeping Toms 时, 实际上已远非仅指传说中偷窥者这一本意了。哥吉福(1040-1080年),即我们所熟知的葛黛娃夫人,传说她发誓以裸骑的方式来说服她的丈夫里尔弗利克·麦尔西亚伯爵降低税钱。这一传奇故事最早的版本说当她脱去衣服时,全镇的人都看到了,但在以后的版本中又说只有一个叫汤姆的裁缝或屠夫看见她赤裸着身体骑马而过,而别的人都已按要求关上了窗户。 Peeping Tom 在1796年首次被记录下来, 现已成了指代“窥淫癖者”的专门术语,但对于那个传说中的家伙来说却是一个可悲的厄运。正如英国大诗人W·H·奥登所说的,“同小说家和野鸟观察者一样,偷窥者从未因他们观察之热切而受到过赞扬”




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