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单词 people
释义 people['pi:pl]n. 人, 人民, 民族, 平民vt. 使住满人, 居住于【法】 人民, 平民, 公民相关词组:People say that...go to the people people  peo.ple  AHD:  [p¶“p…l] D.J.  [6pi8p*l]K.K.  [6pip*l]n.(名词)  【复数】 people 1. Human beings considered as a group or in indefinite numbers:人类:被看做整体或不定数量的人类:People were dancing in the street. I met all sorts of people.人们在街上跳舞。我遇到了各种各样的人2. A body of persons living in the same country under one national government; a nationality.同胞:住在同一国家、受同一政府管辖的一些人;民族3. pl. peo.ples A body of persons sharing a common religion, culture, language, or inherited condition of life.【复数】 peo.ples 民族:有共同的宗教信仰、文化、语言或继承同一种生活条件的人的群体4. Persons with regard to their residence, class, profession, or group:同类人:由于同样的居住地、阶级、职业或群体而联系在一起的人:city people.城市人5. The mass of ordinary persons; the populace. Used withthe : 大众:平凡人的群体;大众。与the 连用: “those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes”(&b{Thomas Jefferson})“那些害怕且不信任群众的人,想把所有的权力都集中到上层阶级手上”(托马斯·杰弗逊)6. The citizens of a political unit, such as a nation or a state; the electorate. Used withthe.  公民:某政治团体例如一个民族或一个国家的成员;选民。与the 连用 7. Persons subordinate to or loyal to a ruler, a superior, or an employer:臣民:受辖制或忠诚于其某一统治者、上司或雇主的人:The queen showed great compassion for her people.女王对她的臣民很仁慈8. Family, relatives, or ancestors.家人,亲戚,祖先9. Informal Animals or other beings distinct from human beings:【非正式用语】 动物:明显区别于人类的动物或其他生灵:Rabbits and squirrels are the furry, little people of the woods.兔子和松鼠是森林中毛茸茸的小生灵及物动词)  peo.pled,peo.pling,peo.ples To furnish with or as if with people; populate.繁衍:分布或似乎分布着人;居住语源:1. Middle English peple 中古英语 peple 2. from Old French pueple 源自 古法语 pueple 3. from Latin populus 源自 拉丁语 populus 4. [of Etruscan origin] [源于伊特鲁里亚语] 继承用法:peo“pler  n.(名词)用法:1. Used as a pluralpeople  is a form with no exactly corresponding singular.  (English is not odd in this respect:the equivalent word is anomalous in Spanish, Italian, Russian, and many other languages.)In the past, grammarians have sometimes insisted thatpeople  is a collective noun that should not be used as a substitute forpersons  when referring to a specific number of individuals, as inSix people were arrested.  Butpeople  has always been used in such contexts, and the distinction is now so widely ignored in general writingthat it seems pedantic to insist on it.Persons is still preferred in quasilegal contexts, however, as inVehicles containing fewer than three persons may not use the left lane during rush hours.  Only the singularperson  is used in compounds involving a specific numeral:  People 用做复数时无确切的单数形式。 (在此方面英语是不固定的:在西班牙语、意大利语和许多其它语言中相应的词是不规则的。)过去,语法学家曾坚持说people 是集合名词, 不能替代描述特定数量个体的persons , 如在六个人被捕了 中。 但是people 常用在这样的上下文中, 其区别在一般的书面语中被大大忽略了,再坚持其区别则显得多余。Persons 仍多被用在法律性的语境中, 例如在交通高峰期容纳少于三个人的汽车不允许使用左单行道。  只有单数person 用在与具体数目有关的复合词中:  a two-person show. 二人演出。 2. Butpeople  is used in other compounds: people mover; people power.  These examples are exceptions to the general rule that plural nouns cannot be used in such compounds;note that we do not sayteethpaste  or books-burning.  See Usage Note at man 但people 也可用在其它复合词中: people mover;people power。  这些例子是复数名词不能用于复合词的规则的例外情况;请注意我们不能说teethpaste 或 books-burning。  参见 man




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