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单词 pepper
释义 pepper['pepə]n. 胡椒粉, 胡椒, 辣椒【化】 胡椒; 辣椒; 花椒【医】 胡椒相关词组:pepper sb with questionstake pepper in the nose pepper  pep.per  AHD:  [pµp“…r] D.J.  [6pep*]K.K.  [6pWp+]n.(名词)1. Black pepper.黑胡椒2. Any of several plants of the genusPiper,  as cubeb, betel, and kava. 胡椒属植物:任何一种胡椒属 植物,如荜澄茄、槟榔子和卡瓦胡椒 3. Any of several tropical American, cultivated forms ofCapsicum frutescens  or C. annuum , having podlike, many-seeded, variously colored berries. 美洲胡椒:任何一种热带美洲作物,形状如小米辣 或 辣椒 ,有色彩各异的豆荚状多籽的种子 4. The podlike fruit of any of these plants, varying in size, shape, and degree of pungency, with the milder types including the bell pepper and pimiento, and the more pungent types including the cherry pepper.豆荚状胡椒:任何一种有豆荚状果实的此类植物,大小、形状和辛辣程度不等,味道较温和的包括花椒和西班牙辣椒,较刺激的有樱桃椒5. Any of various condiments made from the more pungent varieties ofCapsicum frutescens,  such as cayenne pepper, tabasco pepper, and chili. Also called  hot pepper 胡椒调料:任何一种由味道较辛辣的辣椒 制成的调味品,如胡椒粉、辣酱油和干辣椒 也作  hot pepper6. Baseball A warm-up exercise in which players standing a short distance from a batter field the ball and toss it to the batter, who hits each toss back to the fielders.Also called  pepper game 【棒球】 暖身运动:一种热身运动,运动员们站在击球手的近处将球投向击球手,击球手再将其投回给守队队员也作  pepper及物动词)  pep.pered,,pep.pers 1. To season or sprinkle with pepper.用胡椒调味,撒以胡椒粉2. To sprinkle liberally; dot.自由撒落;散布3. To shower with or as if with small missiles.See Synonyms at barrage 2大量给予:用或象用小发射物大量赠予参见 barrage24. To make (a speech, for example) lively and vivid with wit or invective.使生动活泼:使(例如演说)因睿智或猛烈抨击而生动语源:1. Middle English peper 中古英语 peper 2. from Old English pipor 源自 古英语 pipor 3. from Latin piper 源自 拉丁语 piper 4. from Greek peperi 源自 希腊语 peperi 5. from Sanskrit pippal&9{º} 源自 梵文 pippal&9{º} 6. from pippalam [pepper tree] 源自 pippalam [胡椒树]




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