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单词 performative
释义 performative  AHD:  [p…r-fôr“m…-t¹v] D.J.  [p*6f%8m*t!v]K.K.  [p+6f%rm*t!v]adj.(形容词)Relating to or being an utterance that peforms an act or creates a state of affairs by the fact of its being uttered under appropriate or conventional circumstances, as a justice of the peace uttering述行的:于适宜或传统仪式场合宣告一种行为或表示一种状态成立的或与其相关的,如举行婚礼时平静讲出I now pronounce you husband and wifeat a wedding ceremony, thus creating a legal union, or as one utteringI promise,thus performing the act of promising.我现在宣告你们成为丈夫与妻子所体现的合法性,由此产生合法的配偶,或者当一个人说我发誓,因此而履行誓言n.(名词)A performative utterance.Also called  speech act 述行句也作  speech act




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