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单词 persuade
释义 persuade[pə'sweid]vt. 劝, 使相信, 恳求, 敦促, 说服vi. 劝服, 被说服【法】 唆使, 说服, 劝诱相关词组:persuade sb of sth persuade  per.suade  AHD:  [p…r-sw³d“] D.J.  [p*6swe!d]K.K.  [p+6swed]及物动词)  per.suad.ed,,per.suades To induce to undertake a course of action or embrace a point of view by means of argument, reasoning, or entreaty:劝导,说服:通过讨论、推理或哀求的方式诱导从事一项活动或接受一种观点:“to make children fit to live in a society by persuading them to learn and accept its codes”(&b{Alan W. Watts})See Usage Note at &b{convince} “通过劝说孩子们学习和接受社会规范使他们适应社会生活”(艾伦W.瓦茨)参见 convince语源:1. Latin persu³d¶re 拉丁语 persu³d¶re 2. per- [per-] per- [前缀,表“通过”] 3. su³d¶re [to urge] * see  sw³d- su³d¶re [力劝,极力主张] *参见 sw³d- 继承用法:persuad“able  adj.(形容词)persuad“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. persuade,induce,prevail,convince2. These verbs are compared as they mean to succeed in causing a person to do or consent to something.这些动词在表达成功地使某人做或赞同某事的意思时是有区别的。3. Persuade  means to win someone over, as by reasons, advice, urging, or personal forcefulness: Persuade  意思是用理由、建议、敦促或个人说服力来战胜某人: “In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs” (Francis Darwin).“在科学界,信誉属于以理说服世界的人,而不属于第一个提出观点的人” (弗朗西斯·达尔文)




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