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单词 Perth
释义 Perth  Perth  AHD:  [pûrth] D.J.  [pT8G]K.K.  [pPG]NONE(无词性)1. A city of southwest Australia near the Indian Ocean. Founded in 1829, it grew rapidly after the discovery of gold in the region in the 1890's. Population, 82,600.佩思:澳大利亚西南一城市,濒临印度洋。建于1829年,19世纪90年代在此发现了金矿之后迅速发展起来。人口82,6002. A burgh of central Scotland on the Tay River north-northwest of Edinburgh. The capital of Scotland from the 11th to the mid-15th century, it was the site of John Knox's sermon against idolatry in 1559. Population, 42,000.佩思:苏格兰中部一城镇,位于泰河河畔、爱丁堡西北偏北。从11到15世纪中期为苏格兰的首都。曾是1559年约翰·诺克斯发表反对偶像崇拜演说的地方。人口42,000




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