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单词 pet-
释义 pet-  派生:1. Important derivatives are: feather,petition,appetite,compete,perpetual,repeat,pen1 propitious,ptomaine,symptom,hippopotamus重要派生词为: feather,petition,appetite,compete,perpetual,repeat,pen1 propitious,ptomaine,symptom,hippopotamus2. or Also pet…-To rush, fly. Variant*pt¶- , contracted from *pte…- . 或 也作 pet…-迅速行动,驱赶, 飞,飞翔. 变体*pt¶- ,  缩约于 *pte…- . 3. Suffixed form*pet-r³ . feather , from Old English  fether , feather, from Germanic  *fethr½ , feather. 添加后缀的形式*pet-r³ . feather , 源自 古英语  fether , 羽毛, 源自 日耳曼语  *fethr½ , 羽毛. 4. -petal , petition , petulant ; appetite , compete , impetus , perpetual , repeat , from Latin  petere , to go toward, seek. -petal , petition , petulant ; appetite , compete , impetus , perpetual , repeat , 源自 拉丁语  petere , 寻找, 寻求. 5. Suffixed form*pet-n³ . panache , pen 1 , penna , pennate , pennon , pin , pinna , pinnacle , pinnate , ( pinnati- ), pinnule ; empennage , from Latin  penna , pinna , feather, wing. 添加后缀的形式*pet-n³ . panache , pen 1 , penna , pennate , pennon , pin , pinna , pinnacle , pinnate , ( pinnati- ), pinnule ; empennage , 源自 拉丁语  penna , pinna , 羽毛, 翅膀. 6. Suffixed form*pet-ro-  (see ½ku- ). 添加后缀的形式*pet-ro-  (参见 ½ku-). 7. Suffixed form*pet-yo- . propitious , from Latin  propitius , favorable, gracious, orginially a religious term meaning “falling or rushing forward,” hence “eager,” “well-disposed” (said of the gods; pr½- , forward; see per 1 ). 添加后缀的形式*pet-yo- . propitious , 源自 拉丁语  propitius , 有利的, 优雅的, 最初为一条宗教术语,意为 “向前跌落或向前冲,” 此处意为 “热切的,” “亲切的” (said of the gods; pr½- , 向前的; 参见 per1 ). 8. Suffixed zero-grade form*pt-ero- . -pter ; acanthopterygian , apteryx , archaeopteryx , coleopteran , mecopteran , orthopteran , peripteral , plecopteran , pteridology , pterygoid , from Greek  pteron , feather, wing, and pterux , wing. 添加后缀的零级形式*pt-ero- . -pter ; acanthopterygian , apteryx , archaeopteryx , coleopteran , mecopteran , orthopteran , peripteral , plecopteran , pteridology , pterygoid , 源自 希腊语  pteron , 羽毛, 翅膀, 和 pterux , 翼. 9. Suffixed zero-grade form*pt-ilo- . coleoptile , from Greek  ptilon , soft feathers, down, plume. 添加后缀的零级形式*pt-ilo- . coleoptile , 源自 希腊语  ptilon , 柔软的羽毛, 下,下去, 羽毛. 10. Suffixed variant form*pt¶-no- . stearoptene , from Greek  pt¶nos , winged, flying. 添加后缀的变体形式*pt¶-no- . stearoptene , 源自 希腊语  pt¶nos , 迅速的, 飞速的. 11. Reduplicated form*pi-pt- . ptomaine , ptosis ; asymptote , peripeteia , proptosis , symptom , from Greek  piptein , to fall, with nominal derivatives pt½-to- , pt½-ti- , pt½-ma . 重叠形式*pi-pt- . ptomaine , ptosis ; asymptote , peripeteia , proptosis , symptom , 源自 希腊语  piptein , 倒下,落下,来临, 和名词性的派生词 pt½-to- , pt½-ti- , pt½-ma . 12. O-grade form*pot- . hippopotamus , from Greek  potamos  “rushing water,” river ( -amo- , Greek  suffix). O级形式*pot- . hippopotamus , 源自 希腊语  potamos  “湍急的水流,”河流 ( -amo- , 希腊语 后缀). 13. Suffixed form*pet-tro- . talipot , from Sanskrit  pattram , feather, leaf. 添加后缀的形式*pet-tro- . talipot , 源自 梵语  pattram , 羽毛, 树叶. 语源:Pokorny  826. 波科尔尼  826.  PET  PET  abbr.(略语)Positron emission tomography. Positron emission tomography. Pet.  Pet.  abbr.Bible (略语)【圣经】 Peter. Peter. pet 1  pet 1  AHD:  [pµt] D.J.  [pet]K.K.  [pWt]n.(名词)1. An animal kept for amusement or companionship.宠物:用于娱乐消遣或陪伴的动物2. An object of the affections.宠爱的对象:包含爱意的东西3. A person especially loved or indulged; a favorite:宠儿:特指被爱或被纵容的人;最受喜爱的人:the teacher's pet.老师的宠儿adj.(形容词)1. Kept as a pet:当作宠物的:a pet cat.宠物猫2. Particularly cherished or indulged:溺爱的,宠爱的:特别受珍爱或受溺爱的:a pet grandchild.受溺爱的孙子3. Expressing or showing affection:爱昵的,表示情意的:表达或表现爱意的:a pet name.昵称,爱称4. Being a favorite:喜爱的:作为最受欢迎的:a pet topic.热门话题v.(动词)  pet.ted,pet.ting,pets及物动词)To stroke or caress gently; pat.See Synonyms at caress 爱抚,亲抚:温柔地拍打或抚摸;轻拍参见 caressv.intr.Informal (不及物动词)【非正式用语】 To make love by fondling and caressing.抚爱:通过爱抚拥抱来调情语源:1. Scottish Gaelic peata [tame animal, pet] 苏格兰的盖尔语 peata [温顺的动物,宠物] 2. from Old Irish 源自 古爱尔兰语 继承用法:pet“ter  n.(名词) pet 2  pet 2  AHD:  [pµt] D.J.  [pet]K.K.  [pWt]n.(名词)A fit of bad temper or pique.发怒,一阵怒气:坏脾气或生气的发作v.intr.(不及物动词)  pet.ted,pet.ting,pets To be sulky and peevish.不高兴,生气语源:[Origin unknown] [来源不明]  pet.  pet.  abbr.(略语)Petroleum. Petroleum. pet…-  派生:1. Important derivatives are: fathom,patent,pace1 pass,compass,expand,petal,pan1 重要派生词为: fathom,patent,pace1 pass,compass,expand,petal,pan1 2. To spread.伸展,传布,散布3. Suffixed o-grade form*pot(…)-mo- . fathom , from Old English  fæthm , fathom, from Germanic  *fathmaz , “length of two arms stretched out.” 添加后缀的O级形式*pot(…)-mo- . fathom , 源自 古英语  fæthm , 测量深度, 源自 日耳曼语  *fathmaz , “两个胳膊伸展开的长度.” 4. Suffixed (stative) variant zero-grade form*pat-¶- . patent , patulous , from Latin  pat¶re , to be open. 添加后缀的(表示状态的)变体零级形式*pat-¶- . patent , patulous , 源自 拉丁语  pat¶re , 打开 5. Probably variant zero-grade form in remade nasalized form*pat-no- . pace 1 , ( pas ), ( pass ), passim ; ( compass ), expand , repand , from Latin  pandere  (past participle passus  N *pat-to- ), to spread out. 在保留的鼻音化的形式*pat-no- 中,可能为变体的零级形式. pace 1 , ( pas ), ( pass ), passim ; ( compass ), expand , repand , 源自 拉丁语  pandere  (过去分词 passus  N *pat-to- ), 伸开,扩大. 6. Suffixed form*pet-alo- . petal , from Greek  petalon , leaf. 添加后缀的形式*pet-alo- . petal , 源自 希腊语  petalon , 花瓣. 7. Suffixed form*pet-ano- . ( paella ), pan 1 , paten , ( patina 1 ), ( patina 2 ), from Greek  patan¶  (? N *petan³ ), platter, “thing spread out.” 添加后缀的形式*pet-ano- . ( paella ), pan 1 , paten , ( patina 1 ), ( patina 2 ), 源自 希腊语  patan¶  (? N *petan³ ), 大盘子, “可铺开盛放的物体.” 8. petasos , from Greek  petasos , broad-brimmed hat, from Greek  suffixed form *peta-so- . petasos , 源自 希腊语  petasos , 宽边帽, 源自 希腊语  添加后缀的形式 *peta-so- . 语源:Pokorny  824. 波科尔尼  824.




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