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单词 ascetic
释义 ascetic[ə'setik]n. 苦行者, 禁欲者, 修道者a. 苦行的, 禁欲的 ascetic  as.cet.ic  AHD:  […-sµt“¹k] D.J.  [*6set!k]K.K.  [*6sWt!k]n.(名词)A person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion.苦行者:一个放弃物质享受,过着严格自律生活的人,尤指作为虔诚的宗教行为adj.(形容词)1. Leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial, especially for spiritual improvement.See Synonyms at severe 禁欲者,苦行者:过着自我约束和自我克制生活的,尤指为精神上的完善参见 severe2. Pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic; self-denying and austere:禁欲主义者:关于苦行僧或具其特点的;自我克制和简朴的:an ascetic existence.苦行僧生活语源:1. Late Greek ask¶tikos 后期希腊语 ask¶tikos 2. from Greek ask¶t¶s [practitioner, hermit, monk] 源自 希腊语 ask¶t¶s [实践者,隐士,和尚] 3. from askein [to work] 源自 askein [工作] 继承用法:ascet“ically  adv.(副词)




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