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单词 Philip II
释义 Philip II 1  Philip II 1(&b{382-336}) &b{公元前}  NONE(无词性)King of Macedon (359-336) who built the army that defeated a Greek coalition at Chaeronea (338) and achieved a peace settlement in which all the states except Sparta participated.腓力二世:马其顿国王(公元前359-336年),曾建立在喀罗尼亚打败了希腊联军的军队(公元前338年),并与除斯巴达外所有的州达成了和平协议 Philip II 2  Philip II 2或 Philip Au.gus.tus  AHD:  [ô-g¾s“t…s] (1165-1223) D.J.  [%86gJst*s]K.K.  [%6gJst*s]NONE(无词性)King of France (1180-1223). His reign was marked by greater control over feudal lords and an expansion of royal territories.腓力二世:法国国王(1180-1223年)。他统治时期的特点是对封建地主的更严格控制和皇家领土的扩张 Philip II 3  Philip II 3(&b{1527-1598})  NONE(无词性)King of Spain (1556-1598), of Naples and Sicily (1554-1598), and of Portugal (1580-1598) as Philip I. In 1588 he launched the Spanish Armada in an unsuccessful attempt to invade England.腓力二世:作为腓力二世,曾是西班牙国王(1556-1598年)、那不勒斯和西西里国王(1554-1598年),也是葡萄牙国王(1580-1598年)。1588年,他派西班牙无敌舰队发动了一次入侵英格兰不成功的尝试




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