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单词 phoenix
释义 phoenix['fi:niks]n. 凤凰, 不死鸟, 死而复生的人, 完人, 殊品 phoenix  phoenix 也作 phe.nix  AHD:  [f¶“n¹ks] D.J.  [6fi8n!ks]K.K.  [6fin!ks]n.(名词)1. Mythology A bird in Egyptian mythology that lived in the desert for 500 years and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes.【神话】 不死鸟,长生鸟:埃及神话中的一种鸟,相传这种鸟在沙漠中生活五百年后身焚,然后又从其焚灰中再生2. A person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty; a paragon.殊品,完人,绝代佳人:卓越无比的完美事物或美人;完人3. Phoenix A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Tucana and Sculptor.Phoenix 凤凰座:在南半球,靠近图科纳和斯柯普特的一个星座语源:1. Middle English fenix 中古英语 fenix 2. from Old English 源自 古英语 3. Old French 古法语 4. both from Medieval Latin f¶nix 都源自 中世纪拉丁语 f¶nix 5. from Latin phoenix 源自 拉丁语 phoenix 6. from Greek phoinix 源自 希腊语 phoinix  Phoenix  Phoenix  NONE(无词性)The capital and largest city of Arizona, in the south-central part of the state northwest of Tucson. Settled c. 1868, it became territorial capital in 1889 and state capital in 1912. The city is noted as a winter and health resort. Population, 983,403.菲尼克斯:美国亚利桑那州的首府和最大城市,位于该州的中南部地区、图森西北部,1868年建立,1889年成为地区性首府,1912年成为州首府。该城以冬季和疗养胜地而闻名。人口983,403




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