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单词 picket
释义 picket['pikit]n. 桩, 尖桩, 警戒哨, 巡逻艇, 纠察队vt. 围住, 警戒, 派...担任纠察vi. 担任纠察【法】 警戒哨, 哨兵, 步哨 picket  AHD:  [p¹k“¹t] D.J.  [6p!k!t]K.K.  [6p!k!t]n.(名词)1. A pointed stake often driven into the ground to support a fence, secure a tent, tether animals, mark points in surveying, or, when pointed at the top, serve as a defense.尖木桩:通常插入地面的尖木桩,用来支撑篱笆、固定帐篷、拴动物,在勘探时作标记,当尖头在顶端时则用作防御工具2. A detachment of one or more troops, ships, or aircraft held in readiness or advanced to warn of an enemy's approach:前哨,警戒哨:一支或多支部队、艇队或飞机的分遣队,准备或提前来提醒敌人的接近:“The outlying sonar picket. . . . was to detect, localize, and engage any submarine trying to close the convoy”(&b{Tom Clancy})“外部声纳警戒队的任务是…发现、定位和掌握任何企图靠近护卫舰的潜水艇”(汤姆·克兰西)3. A person or group of persons stationed outside a place of employment, usually during a strike, to express grievance or protest and discourage entry by nonstriking employees or customers.工会纠察员:通常在罢工期间,驻扎在工作单位外面的人或一群人,以表示不满或反抗,阻止非罢工雇员或顾客进入4. A person or group of persons present outside a building to protest.示威抗议者:驻扎在职业大楼之外进行示威的人或一群人v.(动词),,pick.ets及物动词)1. To enclose, secure, tether, mark out, or fortify with pickets.用尖桩围住:用木桩围住、固定、拴住、标出或固定住2. To post as a picket.派…担任前哨3. To guard with a picket.以哨兵防卫4. To post a picket or pickets during a strike or demonstration.派出纠察员:在罢工或示威期间设置一个或几个纠察队v.intr.(不及物动词)To act or serve as a picket.担任纠察员语源:1. French piquet 法语 piquet 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from piquer [to prick] * see  pique 源自 piquer [刺,扎] *参见 pique继承用法:pick“eter  n.(名词)




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