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单词 pierce
释义 pierce[piəs]vt. 刺穿, 穿透, 打眼于, 洞悉, (声音)响彻, (亮光)照进, 深深地打动vi. 刺入, 穿入, 透入, 进入相关词组:pierce sb to the core pierce  pierce  AHD:  [pîrs] D.J.  [p!*s]K.K.  [p!rs]v.(动词)  pierced,,及物动词)1. To cut or pass through with or as if with a sharp instrument; stab or penetrate.刺入,刺穿:用或好象用尖锐工具切入或穿过;刺穿或刺入2. To make a hole or opening in; perforate.穿孔于,打眼于:在…里做一个洞或口子,打孔于3. To make a way through:穿过,突破:The path pierced the wilderness.这条路穿过野地4. To sound sharply through:声音冲破:His shout pierced the din.他的叫喊冲破了噪音5. To succeed in penetrating (something) with the eyes or the intellect:洞悉,穿透:用目光或洞察力看穿(某事):Large glowing yellow eyes pierced the darkness.一双大而发光的黄眼睛洞悉了黑暗v.intr.(不及物动词)To penetrate into or through something:穿透:穿入或穿过某物:The rocket pierced through space.火箭穿过太空语源:1. Middle English percen 中古英语 percen 2. from Old French percer 源自 古法语 percer 3. probably from Vulgar Latin *pert&9{¿si³re} 可能源自 俗拉丁语 *pert&9{¿si³re} 4. from Latin pert&9{¿sus} [past participle of] pertundere [to bore through] 源自 拉丁语 pert&9{¿sus}  [] pertundere的过去分词 [穿孔于] 5. per- [per-] per- [前缀,表示“通过,透过”] 6. tundere [to beat] tundere [打,击] 继承用法:pierc“er  n.(名词)pierc“ing  adj.(形容词)pierc“ingly  adv.(副词) Pierce  Pierce  AHD:  [pîrs] Franklin (1804-1869) D.J.  [p!*s]K.K.  [p!rs]NONE(无词性)The 14th President of the United States (1853-1857). He was unable to reconcile the issue of slavery that divided the United States.皮尔斯,富兰克林:(1804-1869) 美国第十四任总统(1853-1857年)。他没有能够调和使美国分裂的奴隶制问题




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