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单词 pile
释义 pile[pail]n. 堆, 大堆, 大厦, 建筑群, 电池, 大量, 桥桩, 软毛, 痔疮vi. 堆起, 堆积, 积累, 挤, 猛烈攻击vt. 堆于, 累积, 堆叠, 打桩于, 用桩支撑【医】 堆, 痔相关词组:pile it onpile up pile 1  pile 1  AHD:  [pºl] D.J.  [pa!l]K.K.  [pa!l]n.(名词)1. A quantity of objects stacked or thrown together in a heap.See Synonyms at heap 一堆,一叠:按堆排放或扔在一起的一些东西参见 heap2. Informal A large accumulation or quantity:【非正式用语】 大量,一大堆:大量的堆积物或数量:a pile of trouble.一大堆麻烦3. Slang A large sum of money; a fortune:【俚语】 大量钱财,财产:一大笔数目的钱,财产:made their pile in the commodities market.他们在商品市场挣了大钱4. A funeral pyre.火葬的柴堆5. A very large building or complex of buildings.See Synonyms at building 大厦,建筑群:非常大的综合建筑物或建筑群参见 building6. A nuclear reactor.核反应炉7. A voltaic pile.电堆v.(动词)  piled,,piles及物动词)1. To place or lay in or as if in a pile or heap:堆起,叠起:按堆或好象按堆放或摆:piled books onto the table.在桌上堆书2. To load (something) with a heap or pile:堆于…上:按堆或团放在(某物上):piled the table with books.把书堆在桌上3. To heap (something) in abundance:大量堆积(某物):piled potato salad onto the plate.在碟中乘一堆马铃薯沙拉v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To form a heap or pile.堆成堆,堆积2. To move in, out, or forward in a disorderly mass or group:拥,挤:以无序的群或组向里、向外或向上移动:pile into a bus; pile out of a car.拥到公共汽车上;挤出汽车常用词组:pile up  1. To accumulate.积累,积聚2. Informal To undergo a serious vehicular collision.【非正式用语】 撞车:经历一次严重交通工具相撞语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin p&9{ºla} [pillar] 源自 拉丁语 p&9{ºla} [柱子]  pile 2  pile 2  AHD:  [pºl] D.J.  [pa!l]K.K.  [pa!l]n.(名词)1. A heavy beam of timber, concrete, or steel, driven into the earth as a foundation or support for a structure.桩:木头、水泥或钢的重梁,固定在地上作为某一结构的基础或支撑2. Heraldry A wedge-shaped charge pointing downward.【纹章学】 楔形普通图记:一种头朝下的楔形图章3. A Roman javelin.罗马标枪及物动词)  piled,,piles 1. To drive piles into.把桩打入…2. To support with piles.用桩支撑语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English p&9{ºl} [shaft, stake] 源自 古英语 p&9{ºl} [箭杆,标桩] 3. from Latin p&9{ºlum} [spear, pestle] 源自 拉丁语 p&9{ºlum} [矛,杵]  pile 3  pile 3  AHD:  [pºl] D.J.  [pa!l]K.K.  [pa!l]n.(名词)1. Cut or uncut loops of yarn forming the surface of certain fabrics, such as velvet, plush, and carpeting.绒毛,绒头:剪开或未剪开的纱线环,组成某些织物、如天鹅绒、长毛绒和地毯织料的表面2. The surface so formed.绒面:因此形成的表面3. Soft, fine hair, fur, or wool.软毛,细毛茸毛:软而细的毛发、毛皮或羊毛语源:1. From Middle English piles [hair, plumage] 源自 中古英语 piles [毛发,羽毛] 2. probably from Middle Dutch pijl [fine hair] 可能源自 中古荷兰语 pijl [细毛发] 3. Middle Low German pile [downy plumage] 中古低地德语 pile [绒毛般的羽毛] 4. both from Latin pilus [hair] 都源自 拉丁语 pilus [毛发] 继承用法:piled  adj.(形容词)




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