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单词 Pisano
释义 Pisano 1  AHD:  [p¶-zä“n½] Andrea (1270?-1348) D.J.  [pi86z$8n*&]K.K.  [pi6z$no]NONE(无词性)Italian sculptor. His best-known work is the depiction of the life of John the Baptist on the bronze doors of the Baptistery in Florence.皮萨诺,安德烈亚:(1270?-1348) 意大利雕塑家,其最知名的作品是在佛罗伦萨洗礼堂的铜门上的描述受洗礼者约翰生平的雕塑 Pisano 2  Pisano&B{Nicola}  或 Niccolò (&b{1220-1284?})  NONE(无词性)Italian sculptor noted for combining classical and French Gothic styles. His works include the hexagonal pulpit of the Baptistry in Pisa. Nicola's sonGiovanni  (1245?-1314?), a sculptor and architect, designed the Church of the Franciscans in Naples (1268). 皮萨诺,尼古拉:(1220-1284?) 意大利雕塑家,以其融合古典主义和法国哥特式的风格而闻名,其作品包括在比萨洗礼堂的六角形布道坛。他的儿子基瓦尼 (1245?-1314?),一位雕刻家和建筑师,设计了那不勒斯的方济各教堂(1268年)




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