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单词 pit
释义 pit[pit]n. 深坑, 矿井, 果核, 地窖, 深渊, 绝境, 陷阱vt. 窖藏, 使凹下, 使有麻点, 去...之核, 使留疤痕, 使相斗, 使竞争vi. 起凹点, 凹陷【化】 凹坑【医】 窝, 凹, 点隙, 痘凹【经】 有组织市场的交易厅 pit 1  pit 1  AHD:  [p¹t] D.J.  [p!t]K.K.  [p!t]n.(名词)1. A natural or artificial hole or cavity in the ground.坑,洞:一个地上天然的或人工的洞或穴2. An excavation for the removal of mineral deposits; a mine.坑道,矿:为矿产的开发而进行的挖掘;矿3. The shaft of a mine.竖坑:矿的矿井或竖井4. A concealed hole in the ground used as a trap; a pitfall.陷阱:地上用做陷阱的隐藏的洞;陷阱5. Hell.地狱6. A miserable or depressing place or situation.绝境:悲惨或可悲的处境或境遇7. pits Slang The worst. Used withthe : pits 【俚语】 最糟糕的,最差的。与the 连用: “New York politics are the pits”(&b{Washington Star})“纽约的政策是最糟糕”(华盛顿之星)8. A small indentation in a surface:小凹痕:表面的小凹陷:pits in a windshield.屏风上的小麻点9. A natural hollow or depression in the body or an organ.(人体等上的)凹窝:躯体或器官上天然的洞或凹陷10. A small indented scar left in the skin by smallpox or other eruptive disease; a pockmark.(天花等留下的)痘凹:小坑似的疤,因得天花或其他暴发性疾病而留在皮肤上的;痘凹11. Informal An armpit. Often used in the plural.【非正式用语】 腋窝:腋窝,常用复数12. An enclosed, usually sunken area in which animals, such as dogs or gamecocks, are placed for fighting.低坑型场地:一种常陷入地下的兽栏,将鸡或狗置于其中搏斗13. The section directly in front of and below the stage of a theater, in which the musicians sit.乐队席:正好在剧场舞台前面或下方的部分,乐师在那里就坐14. Chiefly British The ground floor of a theater behind the stalls.【多用于英国】 正厅后座,正厅后座观众:剧院前座观众后的底层15. The section of an exchange where trading in a specific commodity is carried on.交易场地:交易所内的一部分,人们可在那里交易特定商品16. The gambling area of a casino.赌台区:娱乐场内的赌博区17. A sunken area in a garage floor from which mechanics may work on cars.修车场地:汽车修理厂一个低陷的场地,技工在此修理汽车18. Often pits Sports An area beside an auto racecourse where cars may be refueled or serviced during a race. Used withthe.  常作 pits 【体育运动】 加油站,修理站:一场比赛中在汽车跑道后面用来给汽车再加油或服务的地方,与the 连用 19. Football The middle areas of the defensive and offensive lines.【橄榄球】 中区:防守和进攻线间的中间地区20. Botany A cavity in the wall of a plant cell where there is no secondary wall, as in fibers, tracheids, and vessels.【植物学】 纹孔:一个没有从属内壁的植物细胞壁里的腔,如在纤维、管胞和导管中v.(动词)  pit.ted,pit.ting,pits及物动词)1. To mark with cavities, depressions, or scars:使凹下:使有洞、凹地或断层:a surface pitted with craters.充满弹坑的表面2. To set in direct opposition or competition:使对立:置于直接对立或竞争的位置:a war that pitted brother against brother.一场兄弟之间直接对立的战争3. To place, bury, or store in a pit.把…放入坑内:放、埋或储存于坑内v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To become marked with pits.起凹点:变得坑坑洼洼2. To retain an impression after being indented. Used of the skin.凹陷:被刻凹痕后保持印记。用于皮肤3. To stop at a refueling area during an auto race.赛车比赛中停在再加油区语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English pytt 源自 古英语 pytt 3. ultimately from Latin puteus [well] * see  peu- 最终源自 拉丁语 puteus [井] *参见 peu-  pit 2  pit 2  AHD:  [p¹t] D.J.  [p!t]K.K.  [p!t]n.(名词)The single, central kernel or stone of certain fruits, such as a peach or cherry.核:某些水果的单个中心核或果仁,如桃或樱桃及物动词)  pit.ted,pit.ting,pits To extract the pit from (a fruit).除去…的核:从(水果)中提取核语源:1. Dutch 荷兰语 2. from Middle Dutch 源自 中古荷兰语




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