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单词 pith
释义 pith[piθ]n. 木髓, 骨髓, 要旨, 重要性, 力量, 核心, 意义, 精华vt. 从(植物茎)中取髓, 刺毁(动物的)脑脊髓【医】 木髓, 刺毁脑脊髓 pith  pith  AHD:  [p¹th] D.J.  [p!G]K.K.  [p!G]n.(名词)1. Botany The soft, spongelike, central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants, composed mainly of parenchyma.【植物学】 (木)髓:许多生花植物树干中心部位中的软似海绵的物质,主要由薄壁组织构成2. Zoology The soft inner substance of a feather or hair.【动物学】 髓质:羽毛或毛发中的软性物质3. The essential or central part; the heart or essence.See Synonyms at substance 精髓,要旨,核心:核心部分或中心部分;中心或精髓参见 substance4. Strength; vigor; mettle.力量;精力;勇气5. Significance; importance.意义;重要性6. Archaic Spinal cord or bone marrow.【古语】 脊髓,骨髓及物动词)  pithed,,piths 1. To remove the pith from (a plant stem).去髓:从(植物茎)中提取髓2. To sever or destroy the spinal cord of, usually by means of a needle inserted into the vertebral canal.破坏脊髓:刺或破坏其脊髓,通常用一根针扎进脊柱中3. To kill (cattle) by cutting the spinal cord.杀牛:用将脊柱砍断的方法杀(牛等)语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English pitha 源自 古英语 pitha




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