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单词 play
释义 play[plei]n. 游戏, 游玩, 玩笑, 运动, 比赛, 赌博, 跳动, 表演, 剧本vt. 玩, 游戏, 假装, 开玩笑, 比赛, 扮演, 演奏, 演戏, 传摇曳, (使)跳动vi. 玩, 游戏, 假装, 开玩笑, 比赛, 扮演, 演奏, 演戏, 传摇曳, (使)跳动vt. 播放vi. 播放【计】 播放【化】 窜动; 间隙; 游隙相关词组:play at sb in printplay a joke on sbplay sb a dirty trickplay a good fork and knifeplay the conversation in a gay mannerplay havocallow full play toas good as a playcome into playcome into full playgive free play toin playmake a play formake playout of playplay along withplay along with sb's plotplay atplay awayplay sth backplay sth downplay fast and looseplay for timeplay hardplay hard to getplay highplay...inplay...outplay downplay offplay outplay into someone's handsplay it by earplay it safeplay safeplay smash withplay upplay sb upplay up toplay one's cards rightplay the foolplay the gameplay with fireplay dead play  play  AHD:  [pl³] D.J.  [ple!]K.K.  [ple]v.(动词)  played,,plays v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To occupy oneself in amusement, sport, or other recreation:玩耍,游戏:使自己从沉浸于娱乐、体育运动或其它娱乐活动中:children playing with toys.在玩玩具的儿童2. Games To take part in a game:【游戏】 参加游戏:No minors are eligible to play.未成年人没有资格参加游戏3. To participate in betting; gamble.赌博:参与打赌;赌博4. To act in jest or sport:闹着玩:开玩笑或说笑话:They're not quarreling in earnest, they're just playing.他们不是在激烈地争吵,只是在开玩笑5. To deal or behave carelessly or indifferently; toy.See Synonyms at flirt 玩弄:不在意地或不在乎地处理或举动;玩弄参见 flirt6. To behave or converse in a sportive or playful way.不认真地做:以开玩笑的或戏谑的方式举动或交谈7. To act or conduct oneself in a specified way:行动,处置:按特定方式来表现或从事:play fair; an investor who plays cautiously.公平处置;一个表现谨慎的投资者8. To act, especially in a dramatic production.扮演:演出,尤其指在戏剧作品中演出9. Music 【音乐】 10. To perform on an instrument:演奏:演奏某一乐器:play on an accordion.演奏手风琴11. To emit sound or be sounded in performance:奏响:演奏中发出声音或被奏出声音:The band is playing.乐队在演奏12. To be performed, as in a theater or on television:上演:被表演,如在戏院中或在电视中演出:A good movie is playing tonight.今晚有一部好影片要上映13. To be received or accepted:迎合,被接受:被接受或采纳:a speech that played poorly with the voters.不能迎合选民的演讲14. To move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly:轻快地移动:迅速、轻盈或不规则地移动或好象移动:The breeze played on the water.微风轻拂水面15. To function or discharge uninterruptedly:持续地喷出:持续地活动或发射:The fountains played in the courtyard.喷泉在庭院中喷水16. To move or operate freely within a bounded space, as machine parts do.运转:在某一限定的空间内象机器部件所做的一样自由地移动或操作及物动词)1. To perform or act (a role or part) in a dramatic performance.扮演:在戏剧演出中表演或扮演(一个角色)2. To assume the role of; act as:担任:充当…的角色;扮演…:played the peacemaker at the conference.在会议中扮演调解人3. To perform (a theatrical work) on or as if on the stage.演出:在舞台上或仿佛在舞台上演出(一部戏剧作品)4. To present a theatrical performance in (a given place):(在某地)演出:在(指定的场所)进行戏剧表演:The company played Detroit last week.上个星期剧团在底特律演出5. To pretend to be; mimic the activities of:装扮:假装成为…;模仿…的活动:played cowboy; played the star.装扮成牛仔;装扮成明星6. Sports Games 【体育运动】 【游戏】 7. To engage in (a game or sport):参加:参加(比赛或体育活动):play hockey; play chess.打曲棍球;下象棋8. To compete against in a game or sport.参加比赛:在一场比赛或体育活动中竞争9. To occupy or work at (a position) in a game:充当(某一位置):在比赛中占据或工作在(某一位置):Lou Gehrig played first base.卢·格里克打一垒10. To employ (a player) in a game or position:任用选手担任:在某场比赛或某一位置雇佣(某名选手):Let's play her at first base.让她打一垒11. To use or move (a card, piece, or ball) in a game or sport:打出牌或球:在比赛或体育活动中使用或移动的牌、棋子或球:play the queen of hearts.打出红桃皇后12. To make (a shot or stroke), as in tennis:打出:发出(一次射击或一次击球),如在网球中:played a strong backhand.打出有力的反手球13. Games 【游戏】 14. To bet; wager:打赌;押赌注:played five dollars on the roan horse.在花毛马上赌五美元15. To make bets on:对…打赌:在…上押赌注:play the races.赌赛马16. To perform or put into effect, especially as a jest or deception:作弄:执行或实施,尤其指开玩笑或欺骗:play a joke on a friend.对朋友开玩笑17. To handle; manage:处理:处理;对待:played the matter quietly.悄悄地把事办完18. To use or manipulate, especially for one's own interests:操纵:使用或操纵,尤指为了某人自身的利益操纵:He played his two opponents against each other.他操纵他的两个对手互相敌对19. Music 【音乐】 20. To perform on (an instrument):演奏:在(乐器)上演奏:play the guitar.演奏吉它21. To perform (a piece) on instruments or an instrument.弹奏(乐曲):用一组乐器或一件乐器演奏(乐曲)22. To cause (a record or phonograph, for example) to emit recorded sounds.放音:使(例如磁带或唱片)放出事先录制的声音23. To discharge or direct in or as if in a continuous stream:发射:以或仿佛以连续的流动发射或引导:play a hose on a fire.用水龙头把水射向火焰24. To cause to move rapidly, lightly, or irregularly:使轻快地活动:使迅速、轻快或不规则地活动:play lights over the dance floor.用灯光摇曳地照在舞池上25. To exhaust (a hooked fish) by allowing it to pull on the line.使上钩的鱼疲乏:让(上钩的鱼)拉动吊线而致筋疲力尽n.(名词)1. A literary work written for performance on the stage; a drama.戏剧,剧本:用于在舞台的表演而写的文学作品;戏剧2. The performance of such a work.表演:戏剧作品的表演3. Activity engaged in for enjoyment or为了娱乐或消遣而从事的活动4. Fun or jesting:玩笑:玩笑或开玩笑:It was all done in play.它全都是在玩笑中做的5. Sports Games 【体育运动】 【游戏】 6. The act or manner of engaging in a game or sport:比赛:参加比赛或体育活动的行为或方式:After a time-out, play resumed. The golf tournament featured expert play.暂停之后,比赛继续进行高尔夫球比赛以专业选手比赛为特色7. The act or manner of using a card, piece, or ball in a game or sport:打牌,打球:在比赛或体育活动中使用纸牌、棋子或球的行为或方式:my partner's play of the last trump; his clumsy play of the rebound.我的同伴打出最后一张王牌;他笨拙地接弹回的球8. A move or an action in a game:一著,一动作:比赛中的一次移动或动作:It's your play. The runner was thrown out in a close play.该由你走了。赛跑者很快被封杀出局9. Games Participation in betting; gambling.【游戏】 赌博:参加赌博;赌博10. Manner of dealing with others; conduct:行为,为人处世的方法:与他人打交道的方式;行为:fair play.公平行为11. An attempt to obtain something; a bid:企图获得:希望得到某物的企图;试图:a play for sympathy.试图获得同情12. Action, motion, or use:动作,作用:行动、活动或使用:the play of the imagination.运用想象力13. Freedom or occasion for action; scope:动作的范围,活动的自由:行动的自由或场合;范围:give full play to an artist's talents.See Synonyms at &b{room} 给艺术家的才能以充分发挥的空间参见 room14. Movement or space for movement, as of mechanical parts.运动:运动或运动的空间,例如机器零件的运动15. Quick, often irregular movement or action, especially of light or color:变幻:迅速、经常是不规则的活动或动作,尤指灯光或色彩变幻:the play of color on iridescent feathers.彩虹色羽毛颜色的变幻常用词组:play along 【非正式用语】  To cooperate or pretend to cooperate:与…合作:与…合作或假装与…合作:decided to play along with the robbers for a while.决定暂时与强盗合作play at  1. To participate in; engage in.参加:参加…;从事于…2. To do or take part in half-heartedly.玩:不认真地做或参加play back  To replay (a recently recorded tape, for example).重放:重播放(例如刚录下的磁带)play down  To minimize the importance of; make little of:贬低:降低…的重要性;贬低:played down the defect to protect the troops' morale.把缺点轻描淡写以保护军队的士气play off  1. Sports 【体育运动】 2. To establish the winner of (a tie) by playing in an additional game or series of games.打加赛:通过打附加比赛或一系列比赛来产生(平局的)胜者3. To participate in a playoff.参加加赛4. To set (one individual or party) in opposition to another so as to advance one's own interests:使相斗(以坐收渔利):将(一个人或一个队)置于与另一个(人或队)相对的位置从而加强自己的利益:a parent who played off one child against another.让一个孩子与另一个孩子相斗的家长play on  或  play upon  To take advantage of (another's attitudes or feelings) for one's own interests:利用:为自己的利益利用(别人的态度或感情):demagogues who play on popular fears.煽动者利用了公众的恐惧play out  To use up; exhaust:耗尽:用完;耗尽:Our strength was played out early in the contest.比赛中我们的力量早已耗尽了play up  To emphasize or publicize:强调:强调或宣传:She played up her experience during the employment interview.在雇用面试时她强调了她的经验习惯用语:in play  1. Sports In a position to be legally or feasibly played:【体育运动】 处于比赛状态中:处于符合规则的或适合于比赛的位置:The ball is now in play.这球现在不是死球2. In a position, or rumored to be in a position of possible corporate takeover:被接收:处于或传闻处于可能被全体接收的位置:The company's stock rose in price when news stories stated that it was in play.当新闻报道声称公司被接收时公司的股票价格上涨out of play【体育运动】  Not in a position to be legally or feasibly played.没有进行:不处于合法或可行的比赛状态中play ball【俚语】  To cooperate:合作:The opposing attorneys refused to play ball with us.对面的律师拒绝同我们合作play both ends against the middle  To set opposing parties or interests against one another so as to advance one's own goals.使对立双方相争以从中得利:使对立的政党或利益集团相争以实现自己的目标play fast and loose  To behave in a recklessly irresponsible or deceitful manner:轻率处理:以轻率、不负责任或欺骗的方式做:played fast and loose with the facts.待事轻率play for time  To use delaying tactics; temporize.为争取时间而拖延:使用拖延战术;为争取时间而拖延play games【俚语】  To be evasive or deceptive:含糊不清,令人迷惑:Quit playing games and tell me what you want.不要含糊其词,告诉我你想要什么play in Peoria【俚语】  To be acceptable to average constituents or consumers:可接受的:可被普通选民或消费者接受的:an elitist political campaign that could never play in Peoria.政治精英的政治攻势不可能被选民接受play into the hands of  To act or behave so as to give an advantage to (an opponent).干对某人有利的事:行动或表现以使(对手)得利play (one's) cards【非正式用语】  To use the resources or strategies at one's disposal:办事高明:以自己的意愿来使用计谋或策略:played her cards right and got promoted.她办事高明并获得提升play possum  To pretend to be sleeping or dead.装睡或装死play the field  To date more than one person.滥交情人:与不止一人约会play the game【非正式用语】  To behave according to the accepted customs or standards.遵守规则:按照被接受的习惯或标准行事play up to  To curry favor with.迎合…:求宠于…play with fire  To take part in a dangerous or risky undertaking.玩火,冒险:参加危险或冒险的任务play with (oneself)【粗俗用语】 【俚语】  To masturbate.手淫语源:1. Middle English playen 中古英语 playen 2. from Old English plegian 源自 古英语 plegian 继承用法:play”abil“ity  n.(名词)play“able  adj.(形容词)




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