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单词 plea
释义 plea[pli:]n. 恳求, 辩解, 抗辩, 诉讼, 请愿, 托词【法】 抗辩, 申诉案件, 答辩 plea  plea  AHD:  [pl¶] D.J.  [pli8]K.K.  [pli]n.(名词)1. An earnest request; an appeal:恳求:热切的请求;呼吁:spoke out in a plea for greater tolerance.喊出来恳求更大的宽容2. An excuse; a pretext:借口;托辞:“necessity,/The Tyrant's plea”(&b{John Milton})“需要,暴君的借口”(约翰·米尔顿)3. Law 【法律】 4. An allegation offered in pleading a case.请愿:为案件辩护时提出的辩解5. A defendant's answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action.申诉:民事诉讼中被告对原告所做的陈述状的回答6. The answer of the accused to a criminal charge or indictment:抗辩:被告对刑事指控或起诉的回答:entered a plea of not guilty.提出无罪的答辩7. A special answer depending on or demonstrating one or more reasons why a suit should be delayed, dismissed, or barred in equity law.答辩:依据或表明公正的法律案件应被推迟、驳回或阻止的一个或多个原因的特定的回答8. An action or a suit.诉讼或诉讼案语源:1. Middle English plai [lawsuit] 中古英语 plai [诉讼] 2. from Old French plai, plaid 源自 古法语 plai, plaid 3. from Late Latin placitum [decree] 源自 后期拉丁语 placitum [法令] 4. from Latin [from neuter past participle of] plac¶re [to please] * see  pl³k- 1源自 拉丁语  [] 源自plac¶re的中性过去分词 [使满意] *参见 pl³k- 1




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