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单词 plus
释义 plus[plʌs]prep. 加上, 加, 外加a. 正的, 附加的n. 正号, 加号, 附加额, 正数, 增益【计】 正差 plus  plus  AHD:  [pl¾s] D.J.  [plJs]K.K.  [plJs]conj.(连接词)1. Mathematics Increased by the addition of:【数学】 加:通过附加…而增加:Two plus two is four.二加二等于四2. Added to; along with:加上;附加:Their strength plus their spirit makes them formidable. Intelligence plus wit makes for an interesting person.他们的力量再加上勇气使得他们难于战胜。智慧加上机智就会造就一个有趣的人3. Usage Problem And:【用法疑难】 并且,和:“&I{[He]}  is a committed man, plus he has imagination, vitality and national stature” (&b{Merv Griffin})“[他] 是一个立场坚定的人,同时他又有想象力、活力并在国家里享有威望” (梅尔夫·格里芬)adj.(形容词)1. Positive or on the positive part of a scale:正的,正数的:正的或在某一度量的正方的:a plus value; a temperature of plus five degrees.一个正值;五度的温度2. Added or extra:附加的,额外的:a plus benefit.额外的收益3. Informal Increased to a further degree or number:【非正式用语】 多加一些的,添加几分的:增加到一个更深的程度或更大的数目的:“At 70 plus,&I{[he]}  is old enough to be metaphysical” (&b{Anatole Broyard})“在七十岁的年龄,[他] 已经老得足以在那倚老卖老、谈弄玄虚了” (阿纳托尔·布鲁瓦亚尔)4. Ranking on the higher end of a designated scale:略高于的:排列在指定度量较高的一端的:a grade of C plus.C+的分数5. Physics Positive.【物理学】 正极的n.(名词)  【复数】 或  1. Mathematics The plus sign (+).【数学】 正号,加号:加法符号(+)2. A positive quantity.正数3. A favorable condition or factor:有利的情况或因素:The clear weather was a plus for the golf tournament.晴朗的天气给高尔夫球锦标赛提供了良好的环境语源:Latin pl&9{¿s} [more] * see  pel…- 1拉丁语 pl&9{¿s} [更多的] *参见 pel…- 1用法:1. Philosophers of mathematics have long debated the proper analysis of the relation denoted by the + sign in equations such as 2 + 2 = 4,so it is not surprising that the syntactic status of its natural language equivalent, the wordplus,  should be similarly problematic— though to be sure, the questions are primarily of theoretical interest.When mathematical equations are pronounced as English sentences,the verb is usually in the singular:Two plus two  is (or equals ) four.  By the same token,subjects containing two noun phrases joined byplus  are usually construed as singular:  数学哲学家们已就诸如2+2=4这类等式中的“+”号所表示的关系的正确分析进行了长期的辩论,所以这一符号的自然语言对应物——即单词plus 的语法地位应同样不确定也就不足为奇了—— 纵然可以确定,这些问题也主要是理论上的兴趣。当数学等式被转化为英语句子,动词通常用单数形式:Two plus two is(或 equals ) four。  通过同样的记号,包含两个由plus 联结的名词短语的主语通常被视为单数:  The construction slowdown plus the bad weather has made for a weak market. 建筑的减少和糟糕的天气使得市场疲软。 2. This observation has suggested to some thatplus  should be regarded as a preposition in these uses, on the model of expressions such astogether with or in addition to.  But the phrases introduced byplus  do not behave like prepositional phrases in other respects. They cannot be moved to the beginning of the sentence, for example.We do not sayPlus the bad weather, the construction slowdown has made for a weak market   (contrast the acceptable sentence beginning withTogether with the bad weather ). What is more,subjects containing two noun phrases connected byplus  are usually singular even when the first noun phrase is plural:  对有些人来说上面这句话会暗示plus 在这类用法中应被视为一个介词, 如在together with 或 in addition to 这样的表达模式中。 但由plus 引导的短语在其它方面并不象介词性短语。 例如它们不能放到句首。我们并不说加之糟糕的天气,施工的减少会导致市场不景气   (试比较用Together with the bad weather 开头的可被接受的句子)。 此外,即使由plus 联结的两个名词性短语中第一个名词性短语为复数,主语通常仍为单数:  Our contacts plus their capital makes (more common than &I{make} ) &I{for a formidable marketing organization}  我们的关系加上他们的资本组成(比 make 更常见) 一个强有力的营销组织  3. (compareTwo cows plus two cows  makes four cows ). This situation suggests thatplus  in these uses should be regarded as a particular kind of conjunction, which joins two elements that are taken together as a single entity,the way the conjunctionand  does in a sentence such as Peas and carrots  is Sophie's favorite combination.  · The usage ofplus  in he construction industry has been hurt by the rise in rates. Plus which, bad weather has affected housing starts is not well established in formal writing, nor is the use ofplus  introducing an independent clause, as inShe has a great deal of talent, plus she is willing to work hard.  (试比较Two cows plus two cows makes four cows )。 这种情况暗示我们plus 在这些用法中应作为特殊的连词来看待, 这种连词联结被视为一整体的两个成分,就象连词and 在 Peas and carrots is Sophie's favorite combination 这样的句子中一样。 Plus 在 建筑业受到了利率提高的损害。 此外,糟糕的天气也影响了房屋的兴建一句中的用法在正式的书面写作中是未被广泛接受的, plus 引导一个独立句的用法亦是如此, 如在她极有天赋,加上她又愿意努力工作。  




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