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单词 pointer
释义 pointer['pɒintə]n. 指示物, 教鞭, 暗示, 指针【计】 指针【医】 指示针, 指示器 pointer  AHD:  [poin“t…r] D.J.  [6p%!nt*]K.K.  [6p%!nt+]n.(名词)1. One that directs, indicates, or points.指示者,指示物:指示方向,指示,或指的人或物2. A scale indicator on a watch, balance, or other measuring instrument.指针:手表,天平,或其它测量仪器上的一个指针3. A long, tapered stick for indicating objects, as on a chart or blackboard.教鞭:用来指示图表或黑板上的物体的一根长的,一端尖细的棍子4. Any of a breed of hunting dogs that points game, typically having a smooth, short-haired coat that is usually white with black or brownish spots.猎犬:指示猎物位置的一种猎狗,典型特征是有一身光滑的浅毛,通常毛色为白色,间杂着黑或浅褐斑点5. A piece of advice; a suggestion.点子:一个建议;一点意见6. A piece of indicative information:一则指示性的信息:interest rates and other pointers in the economic forecast.利率和经济预测中的其它指数7. Computer Science A word that gives the address of a core storage location.【计算机科学】 指示字,指针:给出磁心存储器位置的地址的字8. Either of the two stars in the Big Dipper that are aligned so as to point to Polaris.指极星:大熊星座中两颗连线后指向北极星的星中的任一颗




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