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单词 poll
释义 poll[pəul]n. 投票, 民意测验, 选举投票, 投票数, 一组人中的一个, 头颈和后脑部, 鹦鹉vt. 对...进行民意测验, 获得...票, 剪树枝, 轮询vi. 投票a. 剪过毛的, 修过枝的【计】 轮询【医】 后头(动物头的后部), 鹦鹉 poll  poll  AHD:  [p½l] D.J.  [p*&l]K.K.  [pol]n.(名词)1. The casting and registering of votes in an election.投票:在选举中投票或登记选票2. The number of votes cast or recorded.投票数:投票或被记录选票的数量3. Often polls The place where votes are cast and registered. Used withthe.  常作 polls 投票站:投选票和登记选票的地方。和the 连用 4. A survey of the public or of a sample of public opinion to acquire information.民意调查:为获取信息而对公众的调查或对公众意见的一次抽样5. The head, especially the top of the head where hair grows.头部:头部,特指头顶上长头发的部位6. The blunt or broad end of a tool such as a hammer or an ax.工具较钝或较宽的一端,如锤子或斧头v.(动词)  polled,,polls及物动词)1. To receive (a given number of votes).得到(一定数目的)选票2. To receive or record the votes of:得到或记录…的投票数:polling a jury.投票选出陪审团3. To cast (a vote or ballot).投(票或选票)4. To question in a survey; canvass.在调查中询问;民意测验5. To cut off or trim (hair, horns, or wool, for example); clip.修剪:剪掉或理(如头发、角或毛);修剪6. To trim or cut off the hair, wool, branches, or horns of:剪掉:理掉或剪掉…的头发、毛、枝节或角:polled the sheep; polled the trees.剪羊毛;修剪树木v.intr.(不及物动词)To vote at the polls in an election.在选举中投票语源:1. Middle English pol [head] 中古英语 pol [头] 2. from Middle Low German 源自 中古低地德语 3. or Middle Dutch 或 中古荷兰语 继承用法:poll“er  n.(名词)




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