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单词 polo
释义 polo['pəuləu]n. 马球, 水球 polo  po.lo  AHD:  [p½“l½] D.J.  [6p*&l*&]K.K.  [6polo]n.Sports (名词)【体育运动】 1. A game played by two teams of three or four players on horseback who are equipped with long-handled mallets for driving a small wooden ball through the opponents' goal.马球:由骑在马上的三名或四名队员的两个队来玩的一种游戏,两方队员都配有长柄的球棍来推动小木球击入对方的球门2. Water polo.水球语源:1. Anglo-Indian polo 印度英语 polo 2. [of Tibeto-Burman origin] [源于藏缅语] 继承用法:po“loist  n.(名词) Polo  Po.lo  AHD:  [p½“l½] Marco (1254-1324) D.J.  [6p*&l*&]K.K.  [6polo]NONE(无词性)Venetian traveler who explored Asia from 1271 to 1295. HisTravels of Marco Polo  was the only account of the Far East available to Europeans until the 17th century. 马可·波罗,马科:(1254-1324) 威尼斯旅行家,从1271年至1295年在亚洲探险。他的《马可·波罗游记》 是到17世纪为止欧洲人所能接触到的唯一一部有关远东的记录




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