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单词 portray
释义 portray[pɒ:'trei]vt. 描绘, 描写, 描绘...的肖像 portray  por.tray  AHD:  [pôr-tr³“, p½r-] D.J.  [p%86tre!, p*&r-]K.K.  [p%r6tre, por-]及物动词)  por.trayed,,por.trays 1. To depict or represent pictorially; make a picture of.描绘,描画:用图画来描绘或表现;给…做画2. To depict or describe in words.用语言描绘或描述3. To represent dramatically, as on the stage.See Synonyms at represent 饰演:戏剧性地表现,如在舞台上参见 represent语源:1. Middle English portraien 中古英语 portraien 2. from Old French portraire 源自 古法语 portraire 3. por- [forth]  from Latin pr½- [forth] * see  pro- 1por- [向前]  源自 拉丁语 pr½- [向前] *参见 pro-14. traire [to draw]  from Latin trahere [to drag] traire [画]  源自 拉丁语 trahere [拖] 继承用法:portray“able  adj.(形容词)portray“er  n.(名词)




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