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单词 potent
释义 potent['pəutnt]a. 有力的, 有说服力的, 有效的【医】 有力的, 有性交能力的 potent  po.tent  AHD:  [p½t“nt] D.J.  [6p*&tnt]K.K.  [6pot2t]adj.(形容词)1. Possessing inner or physical strength; powerful.强有力的:具有内在的或身体力量的;强壮有力的2. Exerting or capable of exerting strong physiological or chemical effects:有效力的,有效能的:产生或能够产生强烈的生理或化学效力的:potent liquor; a potent toxin.有效力的酒;有效力的毒素3. Exerting or capable of exerting strong influence; cogent:有影响力的:产生或能够产生强烈影响的;无法反驳的:potent arguments.有说服力的证据4. Having great control or authority:有权势的,有权力的:“The police were potent only so long as they were feared”(&b{Thomas Burke})“只有当他们害怕时,警察才是有权力的”(托马斯·伯克)5. Able to perform sexual intercourse. Used of a male.有性交能力的。用于指男性语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Latin pot¶ns  potent- [present participle of] posse [to be able] * see  poti- 源自 拉丁语 pot¶ns  potent-  [] posse的现在分词 [能够,有能力] *参见 poti- 继承用法:po“tently  adv.(副词)po“tentness  n.(名词)




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