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单词 poti-
释义 poti-  派生:1. Important derivatives are: possess,power,possible,potent,impotent重要派生词为: possess,power,possible,potent,impotent2. Powerful; lord.有权力的,强大的; 统治者.3. podesta , possess , power , from Latin  potis  (O *pots  O pos- ), powerful, able. podesta , possess , power , 源自 拉丁语  potis  (O *pots  O pos- ), 有力的, 有能力的. 4. possible , potent ; ( impotent ), omnipotent , prepotent , from Latin  compound posse , to be able (contracted from potis , able &9{ÿ} esse , to be; see es- ). possible , potent ; ( impotent ), omnipotent , prepotent , 源自 拉丁语 复合词 posse , 可能,有能力 ( 缩约于 potis , able &9{ÿ} esse , 是,成为; 参见 es-). 5. Form*pot- . 形式*pot- . 6. compound*ghos-pot- , “guest-master,” host (see ghos-ti- ); 复合词*ghos-pot- , “主客,贵宾,” 主人 (参见 ghos-ti-); 7. compound*dems-pot- , “house- master,” ruler (see dem- ). 复合词*dems-pot- , “户主,” 统治者 (参见 dem-). 8. Padishah , from Old Persian  pati- , master. Padishah , 源自 古波斯语  pati- , 主人. 语源:Pokornypoti-s  842. 波科尔尼poti-s  842.




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