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单词 pouch
释义 pouch[pautʃ]n. 小袋, 小包, 眼袋, 邮袋, 育儿袋vt. 装...入袋中, 使成袋状vi. 成袋状【医】 [盲]囊, 窝, 陷凹【经】 钱袋, 邮袋 pouch  pouch  AHD:  [pouch] D.J.  [pa&t.]K.K.  [pa&t.]n.(名词)1. A small bag often closing with a drawstring and used especially for carrying loose items in one's pocket.拉线袋:用拉线拉紧袋口的一种小袋,尤用于装口袋中的零碎物品2. A bag or sack used to carry mail or diplomatic dispatches.袋子:用于装信件或外交信函的邮袋或文件袋3. A leather bag or case for carrying powder or small-arms ammunition.(皮制)弹药袋,弹药盒:用来装枪药或小型武器之弹药的皮革袋子或箱子4. A sealed plastic or foil container used in packaging frozen or dehydrated food.塑胶封袋:用来装冰冻或蒸干食物的密封的塑料或箔制容器5. Something resembling a bag in shape:袋状物:与袋子形状相似的东西:one's pouches under one's eyes.眼睛下面的眼袋6. Zoology A saclike structure, such as the cheek pockets of the gopher or the external abdominal pocket in which marsupials carry their young.【动物学】 袋状结构:袋状结构,如地鼠的脸颊袋或袋鼠腹部外面的用来装其幼兽的袋子7. Anatomy A pocketlike space in the body:【解剖学】 肚袋,腹袋:身体上如口袋状的地方:the pharyngeal pouch.咽囊8. Scots A pocket.【苏格兰】 口袋9. Archaic A purse for small coins.【古语】 零钱袋:装小硬币的钱包v.(动词)  pouched,,及物动词)1. To place in or as if in a pouch; pocket.放入袋中:放入或似乎放入袋中;封入2. To cause to resemble a pouch.使成袋状:使变得象袋子3. To swallow. Used of certain birds or fishes.吞食:吞食。用来指某些鸟或鱼v.intr.(不及物动词)To assume the form of a pouch or pouchlike cavity.成袋状物:成袋状外形或袋状的窝语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. [of Germanic origin] [源自日耳曼语的] 继承用法:pouch“y  adj.(形容词)




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