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单词 poultice
释义 poultice['pəultis]n. 泥罨剂vt. 敷泥罨剂于【医】 泥罨剂, 泥敷剂 poultice  poul.tice  AHD:  [p½l“t¹s] D.J.  [6p*&lt!s]K.K.  [6polt!s]n.(名词)A soft, moist mass of bread, meal, clay, or other adhesive substance, usually heated, spread on cloth, and applied to warm, moisten, or stimulate an aching or inflamed part of the body.Also called  cataplasm 泥罨剂,泥敷剂:摊开在布上的面包、米饭、医用粘土或其他粘性物质的软湿团块,常用于加热、变湿、刺激身体的痛处或发炎处也作及物动词)  poul.ticed,, To apply a poultice to.敷泥罨剂于语源:1. Middle English pultes 中古英语 pultes 2. from Medieval Latin pult¶s [thick paste] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 pult¶s [稠面糊] 3. from Latin 源自 拉丁语 4. pl. of puls  pult- [pottage] * see  pulse 2puls的复数  pult- [燕麦粥] *参见 pulse2




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