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单词 precession
释义 precession[pri'seʃən]n. 先行, 优先【化】 进动; 旋进 precession  pre.ces.sion  AHD:  [pr¶-sµsh“…n] D.J.  [pri86se.*n]K.K.  [pri6sW.*n]n.(名词)1. The act or state of preceding; precedence.先行:向前运动的行为或状态;先行2. Physics The motion of the axis of a spinning body, such as the wobble of a spinning top, when there is an external force acting on the axis.【物理学】 进动:当受到外力作用时旋转体轴的运动,如旋转陀螺般的摇摆3. Astronomy 【天文学】 4. Precession of the equinoxes.分点岁差5. A slow gyration of Earth's axis around the pole of the ecliptic, caused mainly by the gravitational pull of the sun, moon, and other planets on Earth's equatorial bulge.岁差:地球中轴绕黄道极的缓慢旋转,主要由于太阳、月亮和其它星体对地球赤道降起带的重力作用而造成语源:1. Late Latin praecessi½  praecessi½n- 后期拉丁语 praecessi½  praecessi½n- 2. from Latin praecessus [past participle of] praec¶dere [to go before] * see  precede 源自 拉丁语 praecessus  [] praec¶dere的过去分词 [回到从前] *参见 precede继承用法:preces“sional  adj.(形容词)




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