单词 | precipitate |
释义 | precipitate[pri'sipiteit]n. 沉淀物, 凝结物, 结果vt. 猛抛, 使陷入, 促成, 使沉淀vi. 猛地落下a. 突然的, 猛地落下的, 轻率的【医】 沉淀[物], 使沉淀, 急遽的 precipitate pre.cip.i.tate AHD: [pr¹-s¹p“¹-t³t”] D.J. [pr!6s!p!7te!t]K.K. [pr!6s!p!7tet]AHD: [-t¹t] AHD: [-t³t”, -t¹t] 缩写 ppt,ppt.v.(动词) pre.cip.i.tat.ed,pre.cip.i.tat.ing,pre.cip.i.tates v.tr.(及物动词)1. To throw from or as if from a great height; hurl downward:下掷,由高处抛下:从或好象从极高处抛下;向下投掷:“The finest bridge in all Peru broke and precipitated five travelers into the gulf below”(&b{Thornton Wilder})“秘鲁最好的桥断了并把五个行人抛进了深渊”(桑顿·怀尔德)2. To cause to happen, especially suddenly or prematurely.See Synonyms at speed 使提前或突然发生:使发生,尤指突然或过早地发生参见 speed3. Meteorology To cause (water vapor) to condense and fall from the air as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.【气象学】 使凝结而下降:使(水蒸汽)凝结形成雨、雪、雨夹雪或冰雹从空中降下4. Chemistry To cause (a solid substance) to be separated from a solution.【化学】 使沉淀:使(固态物质)从溶液中分离出来v.intr.(不及物动词)1. Meteorology To condense and fall from the air as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.【气象学】 凝结:凝结并成为雨、雪、冻雨或冰雹从空中降下2. Chemistry To be separated from a solution as a solid.【化学】 沉淀:被从溶液中分离成为固体3. To fall or be thrown headlong:倒落,一头栽下:倒栽或被猛然抛下:An already ailing economy precipitated into ruin despite foreign intervention.尽管有外来的协助,已千疮百孔经济仍陷入崩溃状态adj.(形容词)1. Moving rapidly and heedlessly; speeding headlong.仓促行进的,匆促的:快速而疏忽地移动的;猛然加速的2. Acting with or marked by excessive haste and lack of due deliberation.See Synonyms at impetuous See Synonyms at reckless 轻率的,冲动行事的:行动过分着急并缺乏应有考虑的,或以之为特点的参见 impetuous参见 reckless3. Occurring suddenly or unexpectedly.突然发生的:突然或出乎意料地发生的n.(名词)1. Chemistry A solid or solid phase separated from a solution.【化学】 沉淀物:从溶液中分离出来的固体或固体状态2. A product resulting from a process, an event, or a course of action.结果,产物:从一个过程、事件或行为过程中产生的结果语源:1. Latin praecipit³re praecipit³t- [to throw headlong] 拉丁语 praecipit³re praecipit³t- [猛然扔下] 2. from praeceps praecipit- [headlong] 源自 praeceps praecipit- [猛然地] 3. prae- [pre-] prae- [前缀,表“先于”] 4. caput capit- [head] * see kaput- caput capit- [头] *参见 kaput- 继承用法:precip“itately AHD:[-t¹t-l¶] (副词)precip“itateness n.(名词)precip“ita”tive adj.(形容词)precip“ita”tor n.(名词)用法:1. The adjectiveprecipitate and the adverb precipitately were once applied to physical steepness but are now used primarily of rash, headlong actions: 形容词precipitate 和副词 precipitately 曾被用于形容物体的陡急, 但现在主要用于指轻率鲁莽的行为: He withdrew precipitately from the race.他轻率地从比赛中退出。2. Precipitouscurrently means “steep” in both literal and figurative senses: Precipitous在字面和比喻意义上都表示“陡急的”: a precipitous drop in commodity prices. 商品价格急剧下跌。 3. Butprecipitous and precipitously are also frequently used to mean “abrupt, hasty,” which takes them into territory that would ordinarily belong toprecipitate and precipitately : 但precipitous 和 precipitously 也常意为“突然的,轻率的”, 这把它们带入通常属于precipitate 和 precipitately 的意义范围: their precipitous decision to leave. 他们要离开的仓促决定。 4. This usage is a natural extension of the use ofprecipitous to describe a rise or fall in a quantity over time:a precipitous increase in reports of measles is also an abrupt or sudden event. Though this extended use ofprecipitous is well attested in the work of reputable writers, it is still widely regarded as an error.这种用法是precipitous 用法的自然推广, 形容一段时间上数量的起落:麻疹报道数量的急剧增加 也表示一种急剧或突然的事件。 尽管precipitous 这一推广用法在许多著名作家的作品中得到了充分证实, 但它仍被广泛地认为是一个错误。 |
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