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单词 premise
释义 premise['premis]n. 前提, 房屋连地基, 上述各项vt. 预先提出, 引出, 作为...的前提vi. 作出前提【法】 前提 premise  prem.ise  AHD:  [prµm“¹s] D.J.  [6prem!s]K.K.  [6prWm!s]AHD:  [prµm“¹s] n.also (名词) 也作 1. A proposition upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn.前提:可作为论据基础或可从中得出结论的命题2. Logic 【逻辑学】 3. One of the propositions in a deductive argument.前提:演绎论证中的命题之一4. Either the major or the minor proposition of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is drawn.(三段论中的)前提:三段论中得出结论的主要或次要的命题5. premises Law The preliminary or explanatory statements or facts of a document, as in a deed.premises 【法律】 前述事实,契约缘起:资料中的准备性或解释性陈述或事实,如在契约中的陈述或事实6. premises premises 7. Land and the buildings on it.房屋及地基:土地及在其上的建筑8. A building or part of a building.建筑物或建筑的一部分v.(动词)  prem.ised,,及物动词)1. To state in advance as an introduction or explanation.预述:作为引言或解释而提前陈述2. To state or assume as a proposition in an argument.假设,预设命题:在论证中做为一命题陈述或假设v.intr.(不及物动词)To make a premise.预述,预设前提语源:1. Middle English premisse 中古英语 premisse 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Medieval Latin praemissa (propositi½) [(the proposition) put before, premise] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 praemissa (propositi½) [被放在…前的(命题),前提] 4. from Latin [feminine past participle of] praemittere [to set in front] 源自 拉丁语  [] praemittere的阴性过去分词 [设在前边] 5. prae- [pre-] prae- [前缀,表“先于”] 6. mittere [to send] mittere [发送] 注释:Why do we call a single buildingthe premises ? To answer this question,we must go back to the Middle Ages.But first, let it be noted thatpremises  comes from the past participle praemissa,  which is both a feminine singular and a neuter plural form of the Latin verbpraemittere,  “to send in advance, utter by way of preface, place in front, prefix.” In Medieval Latin the feminine formpraemissa  was used as a term in logic, for which we still use the termpremise  descended from the Medieval Latin word  (first recorded in a work composed before 1380).Medieval Latinpraemissa  in the plural meant “things mentioned before” and was used in legal documents, almost always in the plural,a use that was followed in Old French and Middle English, both of which borrowed the word from Latin.A more specific legal sense in Middle English,“that property, collectively, which is specified in the beginning of a legal document and which is conveyed, as by grant,”was also always in the plural in Middle English and later Modern English.And so it remained when this sense was extended to mean “a house or building with its grounds or appurtenances,”a usage first recorded before 1730.为什么我们把单独的一幢建筑称为the premises ? 为了回答这个问题,我们必须回到中世纪。但首先必须注意的是premises 是从过去式 praemissa 而来的, 这是意思为“预先发送,以前言的方式说出,放在前边,前缀”的拉丁动词praemittere 的阴性单数形式及中性复数形式。 在中世纪拉丁语中,praemissa 作为阴性形式被用作逻辑状语, 因此我们仍然使用这个来源于中世纪拉丁语的术语premise  (第一次记载于1380年前编纂的作品中)。中世纪拉丁语praemissa 的复数形式意为“前面提到的事物”, 用于法律文件并总是以复数形式出现,古法语和中古英语中都从拉丁语中借用了这个词及其用法。中古英语中有一种更特殊的法律方面的意义,“法律文件开头指明并根据转让的财产,如通过赠送”,在中世纪英语和后来的现代英语中也是以复数形式使用。因此当它的意思被扩展为“连同其土地及设施一所房子或一幢建筑”时仍保留这一用法,该用法最初记载于1730年前。




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