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单词 presbytery
释义 presbytery['prezbitəri]n. 长老住宅, 长老, 区会, 教区, 司祭席 presbytery  AHD:  [prµz“b¹-tµr”¶, prµs“-] D.J.  [6prezb!7teri8, 6pres-]K.K.  [6prWzb!7tWri, 6prWs-]n.(名词)  【复数】 1. A court composed of Presbyterian Church ministers and representative elders of a particular locality.(基督教长老会的)教务评议会:由基督教长老会牧师和特定地区的长老代表组成的评议会2. The district represented by this court.教务评议会管辖区:由此种评议会管辖的地区3. Presbyters considered as a group.(总称)长老4. Government of a church by presbyters.长老会对教堂的管理5. The section of a church reserved for the clergy.司祭席:为神职人员保留的教堂的一部分6. Roman Catholic Church The residence of a priest.【罗马天主教】 长老住宅,牧师住宅语源:1. Middle English presbetory [priests' bench] 中古英语 presbetory [司祭席] 2. from Late Latin presbyterium [council of elders] 源自 后期拉丁语 presbyterium [长老会] 3. from Greek presbuterion 源自 希腊语 presbuterion 4. from presbuteros [elder] * see  presbyter 源自 presbuteros [长老] *参见 presbyter




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