单词 | presume |
释义 | presume[pri'zu:m]vt. 假定, 推测, 擅自, 意味着vi. 擅自行动, 相信【法】 推定, 假定, 假设 presume pre.sume AHD: [pr¹-z›m“] D.J. [pr!6zu8m]K.K. [pr!6zum]v.(动词) pre.sumed,pre.sum.ing,pre.sumes v.tr.(及物动词)1. To take for granted as being true in the absence of proof to the contrary.推测,假定:在没有证据证明是相反的情况下想当然是正确的2. To give reasonable evidence for assuming; appear to prove.认定:为假设而给出合理的证据;似乎能证明3. To venture without authority or permission; dare:冒昧,擅自:没有权威或没得到允许就冒险地做;冒昧:He presumed to invite himself to dinner.他胆敢擅自前来吃饭v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To act overconfidently; take liberties.擅自行事:过分自信地行动;擅自行事2. To take unwarranted advantage of something; go beyond the proper limits:滥用,利用:非法地利用某物;超过适当界限:Don't presume on their hospitality.不要利用他们的热情好客3. To take for granted that something is true or factual; suppose:设想,相信:理所当然地认定某事是真的或确凿的;猜想:That's the new assistant, I presume.我想那就是新来的助理语源:1. Middle English presumen 中古英语 presumen 2. from Old French presumer 源自 古法语 presumer 3. from Late Latin praes&9{¿mere} 源自 后期拉丁语 praes&9{¿mere} 4. from Latin [to anticipate] 源自 拉丁语 [预料] 5. prae- [pre-] prae- [前缀,表“在…之前”] 6. s&9{¿mere} [to take] * see em- s&9{¿mere} [拿,取] *参见 em- 继承用法:presum“edly AHD: [-z›“m¹d-l¶] (副词)presum“er n.(名词)参考词汇:1. presume,presuppose,postulate,posit,assume2. These verbs signify to take something for granted or as being a fact.Topresume is to suppose that something is reasonable, justifiable, sound, or possible in the absence of proof to the contrary: 这些动词都表示认为某事是理所当然的或认定某事是事实。Presume 是指在没有证据表明结果是相反的情况下认定某事是合理的,无可非议的,完美的或者是可能的: We cannot presume the existence of life on other planets.我们不能推定其他行星上没有生物。3. Presuppose can mean merely to believe or suppose in advance;it can also mean to require as an antecedent condition: Presuppose 可仅指相信或预先假设;也可指要求有一个先决条件: The evolution of species presupposes a process of natural selection.生物演变是以自然选则的过程为前提的。4. Postulate andposit denote the assertion of the existence, reality, necessity, or truth of something, as something considered to be self-evident or axiomatic,as the basis for reasoning or argument: Postulate 和posit 意指对某事的存在、实现、需求或真相的断言, 如被认为是自明的或公理的某事,如作为推理和辩论的根据: “We must never assume that which is incapable of proof” (G.H. Lewes).“我们从不在没有证据证明的情况下假定某事” (G·H·路易斯) |
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