单词 | preternatural |
释义 | preternatural[,pri:tə'nætʃərəl]a. 超自然的, 异常的 preternatural pre.ter.nat.u.ral AHD: [pr¶”t…r-n²ch“…r-…l, -n²ch“r…l] D.J. [7pri8t*6n#t.*r*l, -6n#t.r*l]K.K. [7prit+6n#t.*r*l, -6n#t.r*l]adj.(形容词)1. Out of or being beyond the normal course of nature; differing from the natural.在正常自然发展之外的;非自然的,非天然的2. Surpassing the normal or usual; extraordinary:异常的:超越平常的或正常的;异乎寻常的:“Below his preternatural affability there is some acid and steel”(&b{George F. Will})“在他异常和蔼可亲的表情之下,有着尖刻和钢铁般的坚毅”(乔治F.威尔)3. Transcending the natural or material order; supernatural.超自然的:超越自然和物质世界的;超自然的语源:1. Medieval Latin praetern³t&9{¿r³lis} 中世纪拉丁语 praetern³t&9{¿r³lis} 2. from Latin praeter n³t&9{¿r³m} [beyond nature] 源自 拉丁语 praeter n³t&9{¿r³m} [超越自然的] 3. praeter [beyond] * see preterit praeter [超越] *参见 preterit4. n³t&9{¿ra} [nature] * see nature n³t&9{¿ra} [自然] *参见 nature继承用法:pre”ternat“uralism n.(名词)pre”ternat“urally adv.(副词)pre”ternat“uralness n.(名词) |
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