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单词 prognosticate
释义 prognosticate[prɒg'nɒstikeit]vt. 预兆, 预言, 预测【医】 预测(疾病的结局) prognosticate  prog.nos.ti.cate  AHD:  [pr¼g-n¼s“t¹-k³t”] D.J.  [prKg6nKst!7ke!t]K.K.  [pr$g6n$st!7ket]及物动词),,prog.nos.ti.cates 1. To predict according to present indications or signs; foretell.See Synonyms at predict 预言:根据当前的暗示或现象预测;预言参见 predict2. To foreshadow; portend:预兆;预示:urban architectural renewal that prognosticates a social and cultural renaissance.预示社会和文化复兴的城市建筑的翻新语源:1. Middle English pronosticaten 中古英语 pronosticaten 2. from Medieval Latin progn½stic³re  progn½stic³t- 源自 中世纪拉丁语 progn½stic³re  progn½stic³t- 3. from Latin progn½sticum [sign of the future] 源自 拉丁语 progn½sticum [将来的现象] 4. from Greek progn½stikon [from neuter of] progn½stikos [foreknowing] * see  prognostic 源自 希腊语 progn½stikon  [] 源自progn½stikos的中性词 [预先知道] *参见 prognostic继承用法:prognos”tica“tion  n.(名词)prognos“tica”tive  adj.(形容词)prognos“tica”tor  n.(名词)




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