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单词 projection
释义 projection[prə'dʒekʃən]n. 发射, 计划, 突出部分, 设计, 推测【计】 投影【化】 投影【医】 投射, 投影, 突出【经】 规划, 设计 projection  pro.jec.tion  AHD:  [pr…-jµk“sh…n] D.J.  [pr*6d9ek.*n]K.K.  [pr*6d9Wk.*n]n.(名词)1. The act of projecting or the condition of being projected.设计:设计的行为或被设计的状况2. A thing or part that extends outward beyond a prevailing line or surface:凸出物:向外延伸超出一条主线或主平面以外的事物或部份:spiky projections on top of a fence; a projection of land along the coast.伸出围墙顶的大而尖的凸出物;海岸伸出海洋里的部份3. A plan for an anticipated course of action:规划:对预期行动的过程的计划:“facilities&I{[that]}  are vital to the projection of U.S. force . . . in the Pacific” (&b{Alan D. Romberg})“ 对于美国军事力量在太平洋作战计划很重要的设施” (艾伦D.龙伯格)4. A prediction or an estimate of something in the future, based on present data or trends.预测,估计:基于当前资料或趋势的预言或对将来事物的估计5. The process of projecting a filmed image onto a screen or other viewing surface.放映:将电影影像投射到一屏幕或其他可视表面上的过程6. An image so projected.影像:这样投射出的图像7. Mathematics The image of a geometric figure reproduced on a line, plane, or surface.【数学】 投影:在一条线、一个平面或水平面上产生的一个几何图形的像8. A system of intersecting lines, such as the grid of a map, on which part or all of the globe or another spherical surface is represented as a plane surface.棋盘格:相互交叉的线条,如地图的网络系统,在这种系统内部分或全部球体或别的球面被显示为一个平面9. Psychology 【心理学】 10. The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or suppositions to others:投射:把自己的态度、感情或猜想归因到别人身上:“Even trained anthropologists have been guilty of unconscious projection—of clothing the subjects of their research in theories brought with them into the field”(&b{Alex Shoumatoff})“即使是受过训练的人类学家也仍会因不自觉的投射而内疚…他们常会将被他们带入该领域的理论来表达他们的研究主题”(亚历克斯·肖马托夫)11. The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or desires to someone or something as a naive or unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt.不自主的防卫行为:把某人自己的态度、感觉或欲望归因到某人或某事上,以此作为与焦虑或内疚相对抗的幼稚或不自觉的反抗继承用法:projec“tional  adj.(形容词)




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