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单词 promise
释义 promise['prɒmis]n. 诺言, 约定的事情, 有指望vt. 允诺, 约定, 预示vi. 允诺, 有前途, 有指望【法】 许诺, 诺言, 约定相关词组:break a promisepromise oneselfkeep a promisecarry out a promise promise  prom.ise  AHD:  [pr¼m“¹s] D.J.  [6prKm!s]K.K.  [6pr$m!s]n.(名词)1. A declaration assuring that one will or will not do something; a vow.发誓:保证某人将做某事或将不会做某事的宣告;誓言2. Something promised.誓言,诺言:被承诺的事情3. Indication of something favorable to come; expectation:预示,暗示:事情将要发生的暗示;期望:a promise of spring in the milder air.和风预示着春天就要到来4. Indication of future excellence or success:(有)希望,(有)前途:暗示未来的出众或成功:a young player of great promise.一个很有前途的年轻演员v.(动词)  prom.ised,,及物动词)1. To commit oneself by a promise to do or give; pledge:允诺,保证:通过要做或要给予的承诺来表明自己;发誓:promised a quick answer; left early but promised to return.允诺尽快答复;提早离去但答应会回来2. To afford a basis for expecting:保证,一定:给予预期的基础:thunderclouds that promise rain.有雷云就会有雨v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To make a declaration assuring that something will or will not be done.发誓:做一项保证某事将会或将不会被做的宣布2. To afford a basis for expectation:保证,一定:给期望以基础或理由:an enterprise that promises well.一定有发展的企业语源:1. Middle English promis 中古英语 promis 2. from Old French promise 源自 古法语 promise 3. from Medieval Latin pr½missa 源自 中世纪拉丁语 pr½missa 4. alteration of Latin pr½missum [from neuter past participle of] pr½mittere [to send forth, promise] 拉丁语 pr½missum的变化  [] 源自pr½mittere的中性过去分词 [发出,许诺] 5. pr½- [forth] * see  pro- 1pr½- [向前] *参见 pro-16. mittere [to send] mittere [发出] 继承用法:prom“iser  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. promise,covenant,engage,pledge,plight,swear,vow2. The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to declare solemnly that one will perform or refrain from a particular course of action”: 这些动词共同的中心意思是“严肃地宣布某人将履行或避免某一特定的行为方式”: vowed they would never surrender. 发誓他们将永不投降




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