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单词 proportion
释义 proportion[prə'pɒ:ʃən]n. 比例, 比率, 均衡, 部分, 面积vt. 使成比例, 使均衡【医】 比, 比例, 比率相关词组:out of proportiona small proportion ofin proportion asin proportion toin proportion proportion  pro.por.tion  AHD:  [pr…-pôr“sh…n, -p½r“-] D.J.  [pr*6p%8.*n, -6p*&r-]K.K.  [pr*6p%r.*n, -6por-]n.(名词)1. A part considered in relation to the whole.部分:被认为和整体有关的一部分2. A relationship between things or parts of things with respect to comparative magnitude, quantity, or degree:比例:涉及可比较的大小、数量或程度的事物或事物各部分之间的关系:the proper proportion between oil and vinegar in the dressing.做菜时油和醋的适当比例3. A relationship between quantities such that if one varies then another varies in a manner dependent on the first:比率:数量之间的一种关系,在这种关系中如果一个发生变化则另一个随第一个发生相应的变化:“We do not always find visible happiness in proportion to visible virtue”(&b{Samuel Johnson})“我们会发现可见的幸福不一定与可见的美德成比例”(塞缪尔·约翰逊)4. Agreeable or harmonious relation of parts within a whole; balance or symmetry.均称,平衡:整体中各部分之间协调或和谐的关系;平衡或对称5. Often proportions Dimensions; size.常作 proportions 容积;大小6. Mathematics A statement of equality between two ratios. Four quantities,a, b, c, d,  are said to be in proportion if &9{ƒ} = &9{„}. 【数学】 比例:两个比率之间相等的状态,如果&9{ƒ} = &9{„},则四个数a,b,c,d 就被认为成比例及物动词)  pro.por.tioned,,pro.por.tions 1. To adjust so that proper relations between parts are attained.使成比例:调整使各部分使达成比例关系2. To form the parts of with balance or symmetry.使平衡,使对称:形成带有平衡或对称的各部分语源:1. Middle English proporcion 中古英语 proporcion 2. from Old French proportion 源自 古法语 proportion 3. from Latin pr½porti½  pr½porti½n- 源自 拉丁语 pr½porti½  pr½porti½n- 4. from pr½ porti½ne [according to (each) part] 源自 pr½ porti½ne [根据(每一个)部分] 5. pr½ [according to] * see  pro- 1pr½ [根据] *参见 pro-16. porti½ne [ablative of] porti½ [part] * see  per…- 2porti½ne  [] porti½的夺格 [部分] *参见 per…- 2继承用法:propor“tionable  adj.(形容词)propor“tionably  adv.(副词)propor“tioner  n.(名词)propor“tionment  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. proportion,harmony,symmetry,balance2. These nouns are compared as they mean aesthetic arrangement, as in a design, marked by proper distribution of elements.当这些名词指美学的排列时可进行比较,如在设计中,并以各元素之间成比例的分布为特点。3. Proportion  is the agreeable or harmonious relation of parts within a whole: Proportion  是整体内各部分之间和谐或协调的关系: The house, of Spanish colonial design, has rooms with graciousness of proportion and beautiful details.这座西班牙殖民时期设计风格的房子,各房间都有和谐的比例及精美的细微部分。4. Harmony  is the pleasing interaction or appropriate combination of elements: Harmony  指各部分元素悦人的相互作用或适宜的结合: The harmony of her face is not diminished by her imperfect nose.她不完美的鼻子并没有降低她脸部的和谐。5. Symmetry   andbalance both imply an arrangement of parts and details on either side of a dividing line, butsymmetry  frequently emphasizes exact or mirror-image correspondence of parts, whilebalance  often suggests dissimilar parts that offset each other to make a harmonious and satisfying whole:  Symmetry  和balance 都暗示在分界线两侧的局部或细节的安排, 但symmetry 常强调各部分精确或左右相反镜像的一致, 而balance 经常暗指通过相互抵消以形成和谐、令人满意的整体的不相似部分:  “In all perfectly beautiful objects, there is found the opposition of one part to another, and a reciprocal balance” (John Ruskin).“在所有完美的物体中,都可发现一个部分与另一个部分的对立和相互的平衡” (约翰·罗斯金)




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