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单词 proud
释义 proud[praud]a. 骄傲的, 自大的, 自豪的, 辉煌的, 壮丽的相关词组:do oneself prouddo...proudbe proud of proud  proud  AHD:  [proud] D.J.  [pra&d]K.K.  [pra&d]adj.(形容词),proud.est 1. Feeling pleasurable satisfaction over an act, a possession, a quality, or a relationship by which one measures one's stature or self-worth:骄傲的,自豪的:对某行动、占有物、品质或某人衡量自己地位或自我价值的关系而感到快乐的满足的:proud of one's child; proud to serve one's country.为自己的孩子而感到自豪;为能报效国家而自豪2. Occasioning or being a reason for pride:感到光荣的:引起或作为自豪的理由的:“On January 1, 1900, Americans and Europeans greeted the twentieth century in the proud and certain belief that the next hundred years would make all things possible”(&b{W. Bruce Lincoln})“1900年1月1日,美国人和欧洲人以一种自豪而坚定的信念迎接20世纪的到来,他们认为下一个一百年将使一切事情都成为可能”(W.布鲁斯·林肯)3. Feeling or showing justifiable self-respect.自尊的:感到或显示合理的自尊的4. Filled with or showing excessive self-esteem.高傲的,自命不凡:充满或显示过度的自尊心的5. Of great dignity; honored:受尊敬的,有尊严的:有高贵的尊严的;受尊敬的:a proud name.受尊敬的名字6. Majestic; magnificent:壮丽的,堂皇的:庄严的;华丽的:proud alpine peaks.壮丽的山峰7. Spirited. Used of an animal:生气蓬勃的:精力充沛的。用于形容动物:proud steeds.生气勃勃的骏马语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English pr&9{¿d} 源自 古英语 pr&9{¿d} 3. from Old French prou, prud [brave, virtuous] [oblique case of] prouz 源自 古法语 prou, prud [勇敢的,正直的]  [] prouz的间接格 4. from Vulgar Latin *pr½dis 源自 俗拉丁语 *pr½dis 5. from Late Latin pr½de [advantageous] 源自 后期拉丁语 pr½de [有利的] 6. from Latin pr½desse [to be good] 源自 拉丁语 pr½desse [善于] 7. pr½d- [for]  variant of pr½- * see  pro- 1pr½d- [为了]   pr½-的变体 *参见 pro-18. esse [to be] * see  es- esse [是] *参见 es- 继承用法:proud“ly  adv.(副词)proud“ness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. proud,arrogant,haughty,disdainful,supercilious2. These adjectives mean filled with or marked by a high opinion of oneself and disdain for what one views as being unworthy.这些形容词都表示充满或显示对自己高度的评价及对自己认为是无价值的事物的鄙视。3. Proud  can suggest dignity or justifiable self-respect or self-satisfaction,but it often implies conceit or vanity: Proud  可表示尊严或正当的自尊或自我满足感,但这个词又经常含有自满或虚荣的意思: “All sensibly gave him wide berth, for he was a dangerous-looking man, chewing a toothpick with the arrogant sullenness of one who is willing to commit violence” (Stephen Hunter).“大家明智地给了他一个宽敞的铺位,因为他一脸凶相,带着那喜欢实施暴力人的那种傲慢而愠怒的神情,还嚼着牙签” (斯蒂芬·享特)。4. Haughty  suggests lofty, condescending pride,as by reason of high birth or station: Haughty  指夸大、故作屈尊的骄傲,比如由于出身高贵或居高位等原因: “We hardly know an instance of the strength and weakness of human nature so striking and so grotesque as the character of this haughty, vigilant, resolute, sagacious blue-stocking [Frederick the Great] &I{”}  (Macaulay).“我们几乎找不到一个人性的力量和弱点象这个高傲、机警、坚定、智慧的女学者的性格那样如此醒目和怪异的例子 ”  (麦考莱)。5. Disdainful   emphasizes scorn or contempt: Disdainful  强调嘲讽或蔑视: “Nor [let] &I{grandeur hear with a disdainful smile,/The short and simple annals of the poor”}   (Thomas Gray).“既不要 高贵者带着蔑视的笑容听,/穷人短暂平常的一生”  (托玛斯·格雷)。6. Supercilious  implies haughty disdain: Supercilious  含有高傲的蔑视之意: “His mother eyed me in silence with a supercilious air” (Tobias Smollett).“他母亲以一种目空一切的架势一声不响地盯着我” (托比阿斯·斯摩莱特)




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