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单词 provoke
释义 provoke[prə'vəuk]vt. 激怒, 惹起, 诱导【法】 刺激, 煽动, 激怒相关词组:provoke sb into doing sthprovoke sb to do sth provoke  pro.voke  AHD:  [pr…-v½k“] D.J.  [pr*6v*&k]K.K.  [pr*6vok]及物动词)  pro.voked,,pro.vokes 1. To incite to anger or resentment.激起,挑起:激起愤怒或怨恨的情感2. To stir to action or feeling.煽动:激起行动或感情3. To give rise to; evoke:引起:使…出现;唤起,引起:provoke laughter.引起一阵大笑4. To bring about deliberately; induce:招致:故意导致;招致:provoke a fight.挑起一场战斗语源:1. Middle English provoken 中古英语 provoken 2. from Old French provoquer 源自 古法语 provoquer 3. from Latin pr½voc³re [to challenge] 源自 拉丁语 pr½voc³re [挑战] 4. pr½- [forth] * see  pro- 1pr½- [向前的] *参见 pro-15. voc³re [to call] * see  wek w- voc³re [召唤] *参见 wek w- 继承用法:provok“ingly  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. provoke,incite,excite,stimulate,arouse,rouse,stir2. These verbs are compared in the sense of moving a person to action or feeling or summoning something into being by moving a person in this way.这些动词在意为触动某人采取某行动、产生某种感情或以这种方式触动某人从而命令某事物时,常把它们做比较。3. Provoke,   the least explicit with respect to means,frequently does little more than state the consequences produced: Provoke  在方式上最不明确,通常仅仅指明所产生的后果: The insurrection was incited by members of the outlawed opposition.暴乱是由那些在逃的反对派成员挑起的。4. Excite  especially implies the provoking of a strong reaction or powerful emotion: Excite  特指引起强烈的反应或激烈的情感: “Our vigilance was stimulated by our finding traces of a large . . . encampment” (Francis Parkman).“我们发现了一次大规模的驻营痕迹,这促使我们提高警觉” (弗兰西斯·帕克曼)。5. Arouse   androuse  suggest awakening, as from inactivity or apathy; Arouse  和rouse 含有使从不积极或冷漠状态中苏醒之意; 6. rouse,  the stronger term,often implies incitement to vigorous or animated activity or excitement of strong emotion: rouse  在语气上较强一些,指激发进行有活力或生机的活动或激起强烈的感情: “Men blame you that you have stirred a quarrel up” (William Butler Yeats).See also Synonyms at  &b{annoy} “男人们谴责你,因为你挑起了一场争端” (威廉·布特勒·叶芝)参见同义词 annoy




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